mmitch / gbsplay

gameboy sound player
98 stars 19 forks source link

how do i download / use #130

Open skeddles opened 2 months ago

skeddles commented 2 months ago

im trying to download it for windows, but everything i downloaded just seems to be a copy of the repo and no executables

mmitch commented 2 months ago

That's correct, there are no executables for Windows. You will have to compile it yourself, see also here:

ruby-R53 commented 2 months ago

why is it like that though? have you considered using a windows VM/spare computer to make binary releases for it?

mmitch commented 1 month ago

For me personally it's because I don't use Windows, so tha feature has a lower priority than other gbsplay stuff/other computing stuff/the rest of my life and so it just never happens.

@mrehkopf had some initial success with cross-compiling to a native windows binary, but there were some issues with the terminal output I think. I did not yet have any time to look into it.

mmitch commented 1 month ago

If we get the cross-compiling running with a usable result, we should be able to put it into a GitHub Action pipeline and create .exe files as downloadable artifacts on the release pages.

mrehkopf commented 1 month ago

Since we already have native Windows builds in the pipeline, shouldn't it suffice to use their artifacts to roll a release? I just have no idea how this actions/pipeline stuff works. ^^;

mmitch commented 1 month ago

I think we would need a "standalone" .exe.

For example the binary from the Cygwin build would only run under Cygwin (I think). Can I take an .exe built for MinGW and run it on any other Windows or do I need some mingw.dll alongside to make it work? I don't know anything about that stuff at all :)

mmitch commented 1 month ago

I can take on the pipeline part, barring time and motivation…

ruby-R53 commented 1 month ago

ah, that makes sense

mrehkopf commented 1 month ago

Here is a statically linked build artifact from a modified windows pipeline: Could you try running in on Windows and see if it works?

mmitch commented 1 month ago

I think that artifact is only visible for project members because it's on a subpage of the GitHub Actions - the pipeline runs aren't public because something something logfiles.

I plan to include the standalone.exe build pipline into our release pipeline over this weekend. Then we can do a beta release. The artifacts on the release page should be public.

mmitch commented 1 month ago

Or I'll just try an attachment in this comment :-) standalone Windows

mmitch commented 1 month ago

note to self: add a version number/tag/commit id to the artifact name or we'll have a lot of indistinguishable standalone Windows files on our hands…

mmitch commented 1 month ago

@skeddles Comment contains a binary Could you please test if it works for you?

skeddles commented 1 month ago

the help printout runs, though i cant really figure out how to use it

mrehkopf commented 1 month ago

It's a command line player first and foremost, it takes the GBS file as an argument. To use it you could either:

(I'd recommend the first option because it allows you to make some settings, e.g. disable the 2 minute playback limit)

If the player starts and displays the usage text without any weird DLL error windows or warnings from Windows about missing libraries, that's a good sign already though :)

skeddles commented 1 month ago

okay yup, it seems to be working, shows the song output and plays the music