mmitch / gbsplay

gameboy sound player
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No sound when playing files with VBlank ugetab #84

Closed ullenius closed 1 year ago

ullenius commented 1 year ago

gbsplay doesn't output sound when playing gbs-files with Ugetab's (RIP) VBlank timing.

However gbsinfo supports them (gbs.c):

if (gbs->tac & 0x80)
            timertc /= 2;
        printf(_("Timing:           %2.2fHz timer%s\n"),
               GBHW_CLOCK / (float)timertc,
               (gbs->tac & 0x78) == 0x40 ? _(" + VBlank (ugetab)") : "");

Find matching gbs-files:

$ find . -name "*.gbs" -exec gbsinfo {} \; | grep "ugetab" -A 1 -B 11 | less