mmizutani / sbt-play-gulp

Gulp asset pipeline for Play Framework
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Packaged project does not serve static index.html #16

Open udalrich opened 8 years ago

udalrich commented 8 years ago

I have a project which is similar to the react sample. When I run in activator, it works. I have index.html in ui/app. When I ran activator universal:packageBin to create a distribution, the resulting distribution did not serve index.html.

When I added

unmanagedResourceDirectories in Assets <+= (gulpDirectory in Compile)(base => base / "app" )

to build.sbt, it would serve index.html, but as an attachment, so the browser asked me where I wanted to save the file, rather than displaying it.

This appears to be related to the switch from dev mode to prod mode.

When I moved index.html to app/views/index.scala.html, added

GET     /ui/index.html          controllers.HomeController.index()

to routes and implemented the method to return ok(views.html.index.render()), it I could load index.html when I accessed server:9000/, but it could not then load the javascript from the ui directory.

Are there simple directions for making the plugin work in production mode?

almothafar commented 8 years ago

may you try to run activator clean compile dist" thenactivator universal:packageBin`?

And may you try to add .as("text/html; charset=UTF-8") after ok(views.html.index.render()) and try if its OK, and btw what your playframework version inside plugins.sbt file? because I think downloading index file instead of serving it a known bug for version 2.5.3

udalrich commented 8 years ago

I was trying to use index.html as my source, not index.scala.html. When I changed my routes file to include

GET     /ui/index.html          controllers.HomeController.index()
GET     /index.html             controllers.HomeController.index()
GET     /                       controllers.HomeController.index()
#GET     /           com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.redirectRoot(base = "/ui/")

and updated the code instead, it worked. However, now I having problems serving the processed javascript.

The project-assets.jar file has


and is giving 404 errors trying to serve the files from /ui. Given that everything in the jar is under /public, that does not surprise me. Do I need a setting in build.sbt so that the assets are stored under ui instead of public?

I am using play 2.5.2.


addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.5.2")
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mmizutani" % "sbt-play-gulp" % "0.1.1")
addSbtPlugin("com.slidingautonomy.sbt" % "sbt-filter" % "1.0.1")
almothafar commented 8 years ago

Sorry if its too late, I was in vacation when you replied and I saw this again when I was check my home page, for serving index (static page) may I know what inside the HomeController.index() ?

For me I just redirect the user to the index page without saying to serve index.html something like this, inside controller:

public CompletableFuture<Result> redirectToUI(String any) {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(


# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET           /assets/*file   "/public", file)
GET           /public/*file   "/public", file)
GET           /favicon.ico    "/public/images", file="favicon.ico")

# Home page
GET           /portal                   com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.index
GET           /portal/admin/*any        controllers.Application.redirectToUI(any)
GET           /portal/admin             com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.index
->            /portal/admin/            gulp.Routes
->            /portal/                  gulp.Routes
GET           /                         com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.redirectRoot(base="/portal/")
udalrich commented 8 years ago

HomeController.index is just

public Result index() {
      return ok(index.render());

That renders and returns index.scala.html. That works for me with this routes file:

# Files processed with gulp/babel
GET     /ui/index.html          controllers.HomeController.index
GET     /                       controllers.HomeController.redirectRoot(base = "/ui/")
#GET     /           com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.redirectRoot(base = "/ui/")

#GET     /ui         com.github.mmizutani.playgulp.GulpAssets.index
->      /ui/        gulp.Routes
almothafar commented 8 years ago

So you want to serve index.scala.html ? and where is that file located? and if you want to use the index of scala, why you want this plugin? could you disable it and try again?

udalrich commented 8 years ago

I don't need to serve scala, but I was only able to serve a static page in dev mode. When I bundled it to deploy, it could not find the static page. As a work around, I started to serve scala.

I need to plugin to run gulp to run browserify when I serve jsx/js.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 6:06 PM, Al-Mothafar Al-Hasan <> wrote:

So you want to serve index.scala.html ? and where is that file located? and if you want to use the index of scala, why you want this plugin? could you disable it and try again?

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