mmollina / MAPpoly

Genetic maps in autopolyploids
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Bug in make_seq_mappoly #74

Open jeekinlau opened 1 month ago

jeekinlau commented 1 month ago

I think I isolated the problem to start at commit 8f7c232 (all previous commits work) May 1, 2023 @Cristianetaniguti

make_seq_mappoly at some point was broken so that the tutorial lines below are broken.

Problem reported by Amaka as she was trying to go through my tutorial But similar problem can be recreated also with Marcelo's tutorial.

# Marcelo's tutorial

z <- as.numeric(colnames(grs$seq.vs.grouped.snp)[1:12])
LGS<-vector("list", 12)
for(j in 1:12){
    temp1 <- make_seq_mappoly(grs, j, = 1)
    tpt <- make_pairs_mappoly(all.rf.pairwise, input.seq = temp1)
    temp2 <- rf_snp_filter(input.twopt = tpt, diagnostic.plot = FALSE)
    lgtemp <- get_genomic_order(temp2)
    LGS[[z[j]]] <- list(seq = make_seq_mappoly(lgtemp), tpt = tpt, ch = z[j])

# my tutorial

LGS.inter=vector("list", 7)
for(j in 1:7){
  temp1 = make_seq_mappoly(grs, j,
  tpt = make_pairs_mappoly(all.rf.pairwise, input.seq = temp1)
  temp2 = rf_snp_filter(input.twopt = tpt, diagnostic.plot = FALSE)
  tpt2 = make_pairs_mappoly(tpt, input.seq = temp2)
  LGS.inter[[as.numeric(names(table(temp2$chrom))[which.max(table(temp2$chrom))])]] = list(seq = temp2, tpt = tpt2)

Current suggestion I gave was to revert to an older build before the problem happens in commit 8f7c232

mmollina commented 1 month ago

I will take care of this soon. As a workaround :

devtools::install_github(repo = "mmollina/mappoly", 
                        ref = "95aa0cf25f2be17a64faf3a13c627b8399c5b52f", 
                        dependencies = TRUE)