mmone / OctoprintKlipperPlugin

A plugin for a better integration of Klipper into OctoPrint.
GNU General Public License v3.0
84 stars 61 forks source link

Editing printer.cfg from within plugin ower writes calibration #25

Closed Hywelmartin closed 5 years ago

Hywelmartin commented 5 years ago

Editing printer.cfg from within plugin overwrites calibration values that is saved with the SAVE_CONFIG command.. the command adds this at the end of the printer.cfg file but after editing and saving thru the plugin it's gone...

    #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->

*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.


*# [bed_tilt]

*# x_adjust = 0.000324

*# y_adjust = 0.000460

*# z_adjust = 0.021872


*# [printer]

*# delta_radius = 99.161880


*# [stepper_a]

*# angle = 210.110135

... ... ...

Hywelmartin commented 5 years ago

hmm so it seems that it was a octoprint/browser issue with caching.. so a refresh of the webpage solved everything