mmorise / World

A high-quality speech analysis, manipulation and synthesis system
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If it's possible to speed up WORLD by using FFTW #68

Closed candlewill closed 4 years ago

candlewill commented 6 years ago

I am wondering if it's possible to speed up WORLD by using FFTW as the fft backend instead. Has someone do the experiments? If it is possible, could someone tell me how to do the replace.

candlewill commented 6 years ago

Problem resolved.

hdmjdp commented 4 years ago

Hi, Do you have a fast method to speed up world?

mmorise commented 4 years ago

In CheapTrick and D4C, It would be possible to speed up the world by using parallel GPU computing. Since the FFT is the most massive computation, using another FFT library may be useful for speed up.

hdmjdp commented 4 years ago

@thanks,we have using a fast fft library, and we use the world on devices which has not gpu.