mmorise / World

A high-quality speech analysis, manipulation and synthesis system
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minor bug in synthesisrealtime.cpp? #73

Closed pallashadow closed 5 years ago

pallashadow commented 5 years ago

Calling Synthesis2 function with lower fft_size (fft_size=256 on sample_rate=24000) would cause some minor "bip" noise. Which would not occur when calling Synthesis function.

I fixed this noise by editting the line 590 in src/synthesisrealtime.cpp to be identical with src/synthesis.cpp //index = MyMaxInt(0, i + offset - synth->fft_size / 2 + 1); index = i + offset - synth->fft_size / 2 + 1; if (index <0) continue;

is this solution reasonable? Thanks for your help

mmorise commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I'm busy until this weekend due to other tasks. I will be able to check it in next week.

mmorise commented 5 years ago

I checked your question and think that your solution is reasonable. I will fix this bug next day. Thank you for your suggestion!

mmorise commented 5 years ago

I reflected your comment. Thank you again for your nice comment.

pallashadow commented 5 years ago

Your work is really fantastic for industrial applications, and helped many people. You'd be surprised at how little praise people receive for doing something great. Thank you very much, sincerely.