mmorise / World

A high-quality speech analysis, manipulation and synthesis system
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about kFrequencyInterval hyper paramter #75

Closed attitudechunfeng closed 5 years ago

attitudechunfeng commented 5 years ago

I'm curious about the hyper param "kFrequencyInterval". I think it related with the bap features, so if decrease "kFrequencyInterval", namely, i consider it'll calculate more central frequencies. I'm wondering how the sound quality will be influenced? @mmorise

mmorise commented 5 years ago

As you pointed out, the param is related to frequency resolution in bap. The influence of the resolution on the sound quality is unclear. I have carried out an unofficial test and confirmed that current parameter can achieve the good quality. However, since I only used 40 Japanese words in the test, the appropriate parameter may be different in cases where you used another language.

I think that the current parameter is the lower limit, and there may be more appropriate parameter. On the other hand, too fine resolution may cause the degradation. Relationship between the number of bap and the sound quality is an interesting topic for me.

attitudechunfeng commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. I'll do some experiments, and will report it if i have progress.