Open Marc-Paul opened 6 years ago
On my gun I'm using this 12V solenoid
driven with this battery
you can vibrate the solenoid using a 555 timer and 2N2222 NPN Transistor, but an arduino nano is much easier to use, mainly if what comes out of PIN 1 is not exactly the vibration you're looking for.
the last time I tried the trackers feedback signal was too long due a steamVR bug, but for a golf club would not be a problem, just cut it
Thanks a lot! I just wondered if you know, if there is any powersource, small enough to not interfere with the clubs overall weight? Would be nice, since a powerbank that big would throw of swings a lot.
Thanks a lot for your help, appreciate it!
you should be able to drive a vibration motor directly with the 5V of the tracker. I have no idea if it can have the necessary current for a 5V solenoid
Hyperblaster has a vibration motor stronger than the Vive Wands, but has no batteries apart from the tracker
Ok, I'll probably try a vibration motor. Thanks for the help! I'll tell you my further advancements
Hey mmorselli,
i saw your hardware project youtube video and this was the only way i could reach you. I am currently working on a Hardware/Software project myself, for my Bachelor project. I want to use a Solenoid for haptical feedback on a Golf Club, but im not very experienced with hardware. Could you help me with some questions? First of all: is it possible to make the solenoid feedback with a batterie? if yes, which type would be best? Do you use a mosfet or a transistor for handling the haptic feedback output from pin 1? And can u do the the solenoid feedback without an arduino/rasperry pi? id prefer a smallest curcuit as possible.
Thanks a lot in advance ! Best Regards and Kudos, your gun looks amazing! Marc