mmozeiko / RcloneBrowser

Simple cross platform GUI for rclone
The Unlicense
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Possible way to move file/folder #13

Open Antexa opened 7 years ago

Antexa commented 7 years ago

Hi, It would be nice if we get the ability of moving file/folder to another folder

mmozeiko commented 7 years ago

Technically its possible now - you need to go to source file or folder and press "Download" for it. Then in destination simply type same-remote-name:/destination/folder. Destination must be a folder. If source is a file, then it will will be placed in destination folder with same file name (I am not yet using new rclone copyto and moveto commands). Destination folder will be created if it doesn't exist.

Not a very nice way, but it works. I couldn't figure out nice way to allow this in GUI within the same window. Maybe adding two new menu items in right mouse click popup menu would be a way to go - first time you select source, and 2nd time you select destination, and then it invokes transfer window.

dewa710 commented 7 years ago

You could add Cut and Paste options to the right click popup, or move files via mouse drag and then move them with the moveto command

AggelosM commented 7 years ago

+1000 It would be great to have the ability to easily move files and folders, especially for our encrypted remotes because we can't figure out which file is which so we can't move them from Amazons graphical interface.

mmozeiko commented 7 years ago

Well actual moving will be responsibility of rclone. I'll provide only easy way to start this from GUI. Afaik currently rclone cannot do move inside crypt remotes. It will download and upload file. Not sure if that is fixed yet or not.

AggelosM commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply @mmozeiko !

I'll provide only easy way to start this from GUI.

Yes! That's what I meant.

I haven't tested the move command on an ecnrypted remote, but I don't see any limitation for encrypted remotes in the documentation.

dewa710 commented 7 years ago

@mmozeiko the moveto command works on crypt remotes without downloading/uploading the files

AggelosM commented 7 years ago

Oh right. So probably using this command on the GUI will work :)

mmozeiko commented 7 years ago

@dewa710, excellent. I'll switch to use moveto instead of move.

vampywiz17 commented 7 years ago

You will plan to add "right click" menu to move files with same remote?

ghost commented 6 years ago

This is just to say that I too would welcome the ability to move folders (and let me add: thank you very much for rclone-browser; it is something of a godsend).

NoLooseEnds commented 6 years ago

Yes, would be nice to able to move folders via the GUI on the remote.

amlopin commented 6 years ago

Any update of this?

wingsuit commented 5 years ago

Did implementing the moveTo command on right click prove tricky or is there a backlog of other features in front of this one?

m4rii0 commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?