mmozeiko / RcloneBrowser

Simple cross platform GUI for rclone
The Unlicense
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donations #140

Open imthenachoman opened 5 years ago

imthenachoman commented 5 years ago

Are you accepting donations? I just came across RcloneBrowser and it's great. Are you still actively developing/updating it? I don't see any recent commits.

TwistedEndz commented 5 years ago

im having problems with rclone mount , i just wish he would make rclone browser work with latest rclone

imthenachoman commented 5 years ago

it does for me. on Windows 10.

TwistedEndz commented 5 years ago

rclone 1.43 change a little the output format for logs. This is something the creators of rclone Browser GUI will have to fix as it is not a problem with rclone itself.

TwistedEndz commented 5 years ago

that's the comment i got in the rclone forum , not much kinda hard to know what exactly changed