mmozeiko / RcloneBrowser

Simple cross platform GUI for rclone
The Unlicense
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Feature Requests and thank you #25

Open SirCVH opened 7 years ago

SirCVH commented 7 years ago

Hello, First I wanted to say "thank you" for such a great tool. Really outstanding work, and I can't believe how reliably everything works this quickly after your initial release. I wanted to make a list of features that I have thought would be useful just to quickly get them out there:

  1. First and foremost, if you don't have some way that I can donate to you, please set something up. I think this is a very useful tool people would pay for keeping it maintained.
  2. This is super lazy, and obvious so I'm sure you've thought of it, a gui for setting up and managing remotes without the cli would be the step that makes this fully fool-proof
  3. Queued Transfers
  4. Ability to pause and restart transfers (may be dependent on rclone capabilities)
  5. In the upload/download interface, a dynamic readout of the rclone command being constructed
  6. A way to save "favorite" commands to be run with a single button
  7. A way to group those favorite commands in groups that could be run with a single button
  8. (Really stretching it here) A way to run those favorites or groups automatically at certain times or with a trigger of some kind
  9. Selection of multiple folders/files from browser

I know some of these features are requested elsewhere, it was a bit of a train of thought thing. Don't feel inclined to respond to all or any of this, just putting stuff out there. Anyways, thank you for your work, and I hope that I can contribute to the project in the future as time allows.

mmozeiko commented 7 years ago


  1. I'm happy that you find my GUI useful, but currently I don't want to accept donations for various reasons. Feel free to donate to rclone instead:

  2. This probably won't happen. In my opinion setting up remotes in CLI is pretty straight forward, just following the instructions and do steps point-by-point. Plus authorize accounts in browser when asked to. It doesn't get easier than that.

  3. Queued transfers were mentioned in #14 and I'll plan to implement them.

  4. This is possible and won't take much effort to implement. The risk here is that I don't have access to individual control of files when rclone is transferring it. The best I can do is suspend rclone process itself and resume it later. This might not play well when its downloading or uploading files. The cloud services could see that as timeout and terminate connection, thus rclone will probably repeat the upload or download and this leads to wasted bandwidth. So not sure about this.

  5. Yes, this will be useful. I myself wanted to do this so I can copy the command to bat/sh script for scheduling it later. This is also asked in #20.

  6. 7/8 Not sure about this. GUI is for GUI things. If you have some command or multiple commands for execution later or periodaclly then simply put them in bat file and schedule it to run in your OS scheduler (Task Scheduler, cron, systemd, and so on...)

  7. This could be tricky because rclone doesn't support it. Somebody suggested workaround in #9 to me, it's would be possible to emulate this with --include parameter, but I'll need to check if this works fine.

SirCVH commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response, and apologies again for the redundancies. For the issue of selecting multiple files/folders, I was thinking another workaround (rather than depending on rclone) would be to have it work concurrently with the queued transfer implementation. You could have the program create multiple strings/commands (one for each selection), and then add each to the queue.