mmozeiko / wcap

Simple and efficient screen recording utility for Windows 10 and 11
The Unlicense
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wcap is not recording #26

Open ItzBDHieu opened 1 month ago

ItzBDHieu commented 1 month ago

im need help idk why wcap is not recording, tho wcap had open but when i try to record it wont record Please i need help

mmozeiko commented 1 month ago

You'll need to provide more information to understand what is not working.
What happens when you start recording? Does it crash & exit program? Are the are notifications with error message? Is any mp4 file produced in output folder? Does the same thing happen when you disable GPU encoder? Or what about disabling audio capture? What windows version you're using? Are GPU drivers up to date?

ItzBDHieu commented 1 month ago

When I try to record it's stop and there isn't any mp4 file was produce, when I try turn off gpu encoder and audio capture is still doesn't work I'm currently using window 10 I only have a igpu with my cpu is a i5-6200U