Closed stephenlombardi closed 8 years ago
The following pbrt file will reproduce the crash:
LookAt 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 1 0 Camera "perspective" "float fov" [55.000000 ] "float shutteropen" [0.000000 ] "float shutterclose" [0.000000 ] "float frameaspectratio" [1.000000 ] Film "image" "integer xresolution" [512 ] "integer yresolution" [512 ] "string filename" "test.exr" PixelFilter "box" Sampler "lowdiscrepancy" "integer pixelsamples" [1024] Integrator "path" WorldBegin AttributeBegin Translate 0 0.7 0 AreaLightSource "diffuse" "rgb L" [100 100 100] Shape "sphere" "float radius" [0.05] AttributeEnd AttributeBegin Translate 0 -0.7 0 Scale 0.3 0.3 0.3 Material "fourier" "string bsdffile" "ceramic.bsdf" Include "room-teapot.pbrt" AttributeEnd WorldEnd
You'll also need the ceramic.bsdf and room-teapot.pbrt which can both be found in pbrt-v3-samples.
room-teapot.pbrt looks like this:
Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [1.332760 -0.370922 2.454690 1.350740 -0.375926 2.400000 1.400000 0.000000 2.400000 ] "normal N" [0.953562 -0.257047 0.156989 0.871509 -0.234929 0.430442 0.902861 0.000000 0.429934 ] Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [1.400000 0.000000 2.400000 1.381370 0.000000 2.454690 1.332760 -0.370922 2.454690 ] "normal N" [0.902861 0.000000 0.429934 0.987636 0.000000 0.156768 0.953562 -0.257047 0.156989 ] Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [1.195140 -0.701938 2.454690 1.211260 -0.711407 2.400000 1.350740 -0.375926 2.400000 ] "normal N" [0.854265 -0.495474 0.157281 0.780517 -0.452700 0.431110 0.871509 -0.234929 0.430442 ] Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [1.350740 -0.375926 2.400000 1.332760 -0.370922 2.454690 1.195140 -0.701938 2.454690 ] "normal N" [0.871509 -0.234929 0.430442 0.953562 -0.257047 0.156989 0.854265 -0.495474 0.157281 ] Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [0.980770 -0.980770 2.454690 0.994000 -0.994000 2.400000 1.211260 -0.711407 2.400000 ] "normal N" [0.698293 -0.698293 0.157393 0.637936 -0.637936 0.431366 0.780517 -0.452700 0.431110 ] Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices" [0 2 1 ] "point P" [1.211260 -0.711407 2.400000 1.195140 -0.701938 2.454690 0.980770 -0.980770 2.454690 ] "normal N" [0.780517 -0.452700 0.431110 0.854265 -0.495474 0.157281 0.698293 -0.698293 0.157393 ] ...
for 2000 lines so I'm guessing it tries to allocate a fourier BSDF for each triangle which causes it to eat up memory.
Fixed! Thanks!
The following pbrt file will reproduce the crash:
You'll also need the ceramic.bsdf and room-teapot.pbrt which can both be found in pbrt-v3-samples.
room-teapot.pbrt looks like this:
for 2000 lines so I'm guessing it tries to allocate a fourier BSDF for each triangle which causes it to eat up memory.