mmp / pbrt-v4

Source code to pbrt, the ray tracer described in the forthcoming 4th edition of the "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" book.
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Fix displacement for plymesh #363

Closed kingiler closed 10 months ago

kingiler commented 1 year ago

This patch attempts to fix the bug when displacing plymesh containing a quad. The bug only exists when running with CPU only.

Example scene (taken from

LookAt 3 4 1.5  # eye
       .5 .5 0  # look at point
       0 0 1    # up vector
Camera "perspective" "float fov" 45

Sampler "halton" "integer pixelsamples" 128
Integrator "volpath"
Film "rgb" "string filename" "simple.png"
     "integer xresolution" [400] "integer yresolution" [400]


# uniform blue-ish illumination from all directions
LightSource "infinite" "rgb L" [ .4 .45 .5 ]

# approximate the sun
LightSource "distant"  "point3 from" [ -30 40  100 ]
   "blackbody L" 3000 "float scale" 1.5

Texture "white"
  "float" "imagemap"
  "string filename" "white.png"

  Material "coateddiffuse"
  Shape "plymesh"
    "string filename" "sphere.ply"
    "texture displacement" "white"

  Texture "checks" "spectrum" "checkerboard"
          "float uscale" [16] "float vscale" [16]
          "rgb tex1" [.1 .1 .1] "rgb tex2" [.8 .8 .8]
  Material "diffuse" "texture reflectance" "checks"
  Translate 0 0 -1
  Shape "bilinearmesh"
      "point3 P" [ -20 -20 0   20 -20 0   -20 20 0   20 20 0 ]
      "point2 uv" [ 0 0   1 0    1 1   0 1 ]

where white.png is a grayscale png file with all pixel value 255. sphere.ply is a UV sphere generated by Blender.

Current image gives: current Expected image: expected

The difference is due to quad meshes are not rendered after displacement.

mmp commented 10 months ago

(Sorry for not merging this sooner!)

Nice fix--thanks for chasing that down!