mmp / pbrt-v4

Source code to pbrt, the ray tracer described in the forthcoming 4th edition of the "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" book.
Apache License 2.0
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Results get overly exposure when rendering with AOIntegrator and RGBFilm with ISO larger than 100 #399

Open w3ntao opened 11 months ago

w3ntao commented 11 months ago

Rendered results are getting brighter and brighter as ssp increases when rendered with Integrator "ambientocclusion" and RGBFilm with ISO larger than 100.

These images are what I got when rendering sssdragon/dragon_10.pbrt using Integrator "ambientocclusion" and changing output format from .exr to .png with ssp 1, 4, 16, 64:

dragon_10_1 ssp: 1

dragon_10_4 ssp: 4

dragon_10_16 ssp: 16

dragon_10_64 ssp: 64

Is this what it suppose to be?

modified sssdragon/dragon_10.pbrt:

Sampler "halton"
    "integer pixelsamples" [ 1024 ]
PixelFilter "gaussian"
Film "rgb" "float iso" 400
    "string filename" [ "dragon_10.png" ]
    "integer yresolution" [ 1024 ]
    "integer xresolution" [ 1366 ]
Scale -1 1 1
LookAt 3.69558 -3.46243 3.25463
    3.04072 -2.85176 2.80939
    -0.317366 0.312466 0.895346
Camera "perspective"
    "float fov" [ 28.841503 ]

Integrator "ambientocclusion"


    LightSource "infinite" "string filename" "textures/small_rural_road_equiarea.exr"

    Translate 0.2 0.3 0.78
    Rotate 90 1 0 0
    Rotate -90 0 1 0
    Scale 0.02 0.02 0.02
    Material "subsurface"
        "float scale" [ 10 ]
        "string name" [ "Skin1" ]
        "float eta" [ 1.5 ]
    Shape "plymesh"
        "string filename" [ "geometry/dragon.ply.gz" ]

    Material "coateddiffuse" "float roughness" .2
    Shape "plymesh"
        "string filename" [ "geometry/meshes_0.ply" ]

pbrt-v4 version: 2b5837a862d7f79f4c2dd48acb2038e737b019a7