mmpx12 / twitter-media-downloader

twmd: CLI/GUI Apiless twitter downlaoder. Download medias from single tweet or a whole profile.
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response status 429 Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded #25

Open Volvalzark opened 11 months ago

Volvalzark commented 11 months ago


mmpx12 commented 11 months ago

@Volvalzark english plz

Volvalzark commented 11 months ago

Sorry, I thought I sent it in English, but I sent it in Japanese. Is it possible to set a delay in seconds for API requests to solve this problem?

Kameshennyn commented 11 months ago

Same issue there, only happens once logged

mmpx12 commented 11 months ago

Since i'm using go routine, i first need to set the number of go routines it used before setting up a delay (without adding delay will change nothing).

Volvalzark commented 11 months ago

I don't know the appropriate number of go routines, so I can't really say, how many is appropriate?

gzygood commented 10 months ago

“response status 429 Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded” Yes, it's easy to see this!

shunnag commented 9 months ago

I am modifying it as follows.

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    for tweet := range scraper.GetTweets(context.Background(), usr, nbrs) {
        time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Sleep after each tweet is fetched 
        if tweet.Error != nil {
            wg.Wait() //Wait to prevent program from exiting during image acquisition
        if vidz {
            time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // Extra long sleep when acquiring video 
            go videoUser(&wg, tweet, output, retweet)
        if imgs {
            time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) //A little extra sleep during image acquisition
            go photoUser(&wg, tweet, output, retweet)
mmpx12 commented 9 months ago

@shunnag you can also use: scraper.WithDelay(2) instead of time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Sleep after each tweet is fetched.

but for:

        if tweet.Error != nil {
+           wg.Wait() //Wait to prevent program from exiting during image acquisition
        if vidz {
+           time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // Extra long sleep when acquiring video 
            go videoUser(&wg, tweet, output, retweet)
        if imgs {
+           time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) //A little extra sleep during image acquisition
            go photoUser(&wg, tweet, output, retweet)

did you tried ans Is it working?

shunnag commented 9 months ago

@mmpx12 It appears to be functioning correctly. There is a 2-second delay applied to all API accesses, and an additional delay is added when fetching tweets with the "imgs, vids" option enabled, even if the tweet itself doesn't contain any images or videos. We could potentially adjust the numbers to align with the 429 rate limit in order to increase the acquisition speed, but for now, it's running smoothly without causing errors, albeit at a slower pace.

mmpx12 commented 9 months ago

@shunnag This should be added with a flag like '-S|--slow'. I use a different proxy every time I run twmd (not for a single tweet, but for -a, -v, or -i) so I don't encounter 429 error. Another option should be to add '-f|--fast' to enable goroutine. But I'm not sure if without goroutine and without sleep, 429 error would occur.

shunnag commented 9 months ago

@mmpx12 like this?

-   var nbr, single, output string
+   var nbr, single, output, delay string
    var retweet, all, printversion, nologo, login, twofa bool
    op.On("-B", "--no-banner", "Don't print banner", &nologo)
+   op.On("-d", "--delay SECOND(S)", "Use specified seconds delay for API access", &delay)
    op.Exemple("twmd -u Spraytrains -o ~/Downlaods -a -r -n 300")
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

+   if delay == "" {
+       delay = "0"
+   }
+   delay64, _ := strconv.ParseInt(delay, 10, 64)
    for tweet := range scraper.GetTweets(context.Background(), usr, nbrs) {

and use time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(delay64)) in loop or scraper.WithDelay(delay64)

tazeps commented 6 months ago

I am also encountering this issue and was thinking of having a delay function. which version is working best for you guys ? I'd wait for a new release if @mmpx12 will incorporate it otherwise I may try to add it. though i'm new to using github for software so i might struggle