[x] Use revision for X axis instead of day. Every run should show in the graph.
[x] Make the graphs smaller (ideally we want to show all the benchmarks in one page)
[x] Put benchmark names above the big number on the right
[ ] Use log scale for X axis (show more details in recent days/commits)
[x] Calculate 10p moving average of 'standard deviation for each data point'. The gray area should be 10p moving average +/- 10p moving average of std dev.
[x] Show absolute number for the current data (below the big number)
[x] The annotation for the best number should be below the line, and the annotation for the worst number should be above the line.
[ ] Add link to the data point.
[x] Use triangle (as the marker for max/min points)
Based on the graph in https://github.com/mmtk/mmtk-core/pull/125 and https://github.com/mmtk/ci-perf-kit/releases/tag/0.3.3