Closed pabazhenov closed 3 years ago
Which gpu you have also do you have vulkan drivers and vulkan libraries install for amd64 i386 install on system
screenfetch output:
[pikachu@pikapika ~]$ screenfetch
██████████████████ ████████ pikachu@pikapika ██████████████████ ████████ OS: Manjaro 21.1.1 Pahvo ██████████████████ ████████ Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.10.60-1-MANJARO ██████████████████ ████████ Uptime: 36m ████████ ████████ Packages: 1477 ████████ ████████ ████████ Shell: bash 5.1.8 ████████ ████████ ████████ Resolution: 1366x768 ████████ ████████ ████████ DE: KDE 5.85.0 / Plasma 5.22.4 ████████ ████████ ████████ WM: KWin ████████ ████████ ████████ GTK Theme: macOS-Dark-6.0-dark [GTK2/3] ████████ ████████ ████████ Icon Theme: Mkos-Big-Sur-Night ████████ ████████ ████████ Disk: 337G / 1,2T (31%) ████████ ████████ ████████ CPU: Intel Core i3-8130U @ 4x 3.4GHz [58.0°C] ████████ ████████ ████████ GPU: Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2) RAM: 3388MiB / 7852MiB
Pacman -Qe output (bold are vulk libs):
[pikachu@pikapika ~]$ pacman -Qe acpi 1.7-3 acpid 2.0.32-2 alsa-firmware 1.2.4-2 alsa-utils android-tools 31.0.2-1 android-udev 20210501-1 apparmor 3.0.3-1 appimagelauncher 2.2.0-6 ark 21.08.0-1 avahi 0.8+20+gd1e71b3-1 b43-fwcutter 019-3 bash 5.1.008-3 bluedevil 1:5.22.4-1 btrfs-progs 5.13.1-1 bzip2 1.0.8-4 cantata 2.4.2-1 cdparanoia 10.2-8 cdrdao 1.2.4-2 clementine 1.4.0rc1+495+g10bf5dc17-4 coreutils 8.32-1 cpupower 5.13-1 crda 4.14-4 cronie 1.5.7-2 cryptsetup 2.4.0-1 device-mapper 2.03.13-1 dhclient 4.4.2.P1-1 dhcpcd 9.4.0-1 diffutils 3.8-1 discord 0.0.15-1 dmidecode 3.3-1 dmraid 1.0.0.rc16.3-13 dnsmasq 2.85-1 dolphin 21.08.0-1 dolphin-plugins 21.08.0-1 dosfstools 4.2-1 dvd+rw-tools 7.1-9 e2fsprogs 1.46.4-1 ecryptfs-utils 111-4 efibootmgr 17-2 emovix 0.9.0-8 exfat-utils 1.3.0-2 f2fs-tools 1.14.0-2 ffmpeg 2:4.4-4 ffmpegthumbs 21.08.0-1 file 5.40-5 filelight 21.08.0-1 filesystem 2021.01.19-1 findutils 4.8.0-1 firefox 91.0.2-1 fwupd 1.6.3-1 gawk 5.1.0-1 gcc-libs 11.1.0-1 gconf-sharp 2.24.4-7 gettext 0.21-1 glibc 2.33-5 gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-6 gnome-keyring 1:40.0-1 gnome-themes-extra 3.28-2 google-chrome 92.0.4515.159-1 grep 3.6-1 grub 2.06-1 grub-theme-manjaro 20.2-12 gst-libav 1.18.4-1 gst-plugins-bad 1.18.4-11 gst-plugins-base 1.18.4-1 gst-plugins-good 1.18.4-2 gst-plugins-ugly 1.18.4-2 gtk3 1:3.24.30-2 gvfs 1.48.1-1 gvfs-afc 1.48.1-1 gvfs-gphoto2 1.48.1-1 gvfs-mtp 1.48.1-1 gvfs-nfs 1.48.1-1 gvfs-smb 1.48.1-1 gwenview 21.08.0-1 gzip 1.10-3 htop 3.0.5-1 illyria-wallpaper 1.4-1 inetutils 2.1-1 intel-ucode 20210608-1 inxi iproute2 5.13.0-1 iputils 20210722-1 jfsutils 1.1.15-7 kaccounts-providers 21.08.0-1 kamera 21.08.0-1 kate 21.08.0-1 kcalc 21.08.0-1 kde-gtk-config 5.22.4-1 kdeconnect 21.08.0-1 kdegraphics-thumbnailers 21.08.0-1 kdenetwork-filesharing 21.08.0-1 kdeplasma-addons 5.22.4-1 keditbookmarks 21.08.0-1 kernel-alive 0.5-1 kfind 21.08.0-1 kgamma5 5.22.4-1 khelpcenter 21.08.0-1 khotkeys 5.22.4-1 kimageformats 5.85.0-1 kinfocenter 5.22.4-1 kio-extras 21.08.0-1 kmenuedit 5.22.4-1 konsole 21.08.0-3 konversation 21.08.0-1 kscreen 5.22.4-1 kscreenlocker 5.22.4-1 ksshaskpass 5.22.4-1 ksysguard 5.22.0-1 ksystemlog 21.08.0-1 kvantum-qt5 0.20.1-1 kwallet-pam 5.22.4-1 kwalletmanager 21.08.0-1 kwayland-integration 5.22.4-1 kwin 5.22.4-1 kwrited 5.22.4-1 less 1:590-1 lib32-libcanberra 0.30+2+gc0620e4-5 lib32-libva-intel-driver 2.4.1-1 lib32-libva-mesa-driver 21.2.1-1 lib32-libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-6 lib32-mesa-demos 8.4.0-2 lib32-mesa-vdpau 21.2.1-1 lib32-vulkan-intel 21.2.1-1 lib32-vulkan-radeon 21.2.1-1 libcanberra 0.30+2+gc0620e4-5 libdvdcss 1.4.3-1 libktorrent 21.08.0-1 libva-intel-driver 2.4.1-1 libva-mesa-driver 21.2.1-1 libva-vdpau-driver 0.7.4-5 licenses 20200427-1 linux54 5.4.142-1 linux54-virtualbox-host-modules 6.1.26-7 logrotate 3.18.1-1 lvm2 2.03.13-1 mailspring 1.9.1-1 man-db 2.9.4-2 man-pages 5.12-2 manjaro-alsa 20210109-1 manjaro-application-utility 1.3.3-5 manjaro-browser-settings 20201114-1 manjaro-documentation-en 20181009-1 manjaro-firmware 20160419-1 manjaro-hello 0.6.6-9 manjaro-hotfixes 2018.08-6 manjaro-kde-settings 20210813-2 manjaro-printer 20200215-2 manjaro-pulse 20210109-1 manjaro-release 21.1.1-1 manjaro-settings-manager-kcm 0.5.6-15 manjaro-settings-manager-knotifier 0.5.6-15 manjaro-system 20210612-1 manjaro-wallpapers-18.0 1.4-3 manjaro-zsh-config 0.20-3 mdadm 4.1-2 memtest86+ 5.31b-1 mesa-demos 8.4.0-4 mesa-vdpau 21.2.1-1 mhwd 0.6.5-2 mhwd-db 0.6.5-15 milou 5.22.4-1 mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-3 mobile-broadband-provider-info 20201225-1 modemmanager 1.16.10-1 mpd 0.22.11-1 mtpfs 1.1-4 nano 5.8-1 networkmanager 1.32.10-1 networkmanager-openconnect 1.2.7dev+65+gca4187c-1 networkmanager-openvpn 1.8.14-1 networkmanager-pptp 1.2.9dev+10+gb41b0d0-4 networkmanager-vpnc 1.2.7dev+20+gdca3aea-2 nfs-utils 2.5.4-1 nobeep 1.0.0-1 noto-fonts 20201226-2 noto-fonts-cjk 20201206-2 noto-fonts-emoji 20210625-1 nss-mdns 0.15.1-1 ntfs-3g 2017.3.23-5 ntp 4.2.8.p15-1 numlockx 1.2-5 obs-studio 27.0.1-2 okular 21.08.0-1 openresolv 3.12.0-1 openshot 2.5.1-4 openssh 8.7p1-1 os-prober 1.79-1 oxygen 5.22.4-1 oxygen-icons 1:5.85.0-1 p7zip 1:17.04-1 pacman 6.0.0-2 pamac-cli 10.1.3-3 pamac-gtk 10.1.3-3 pamac-tray-icon-plasma 0.1.2-4 partitionmanager 21.08.0-1 pciutils 3.7.0-1 perl 5.34.0-2 perl-file-mimeinfo 0.30-2 phonon-qt5-gstreamer 4.10.0-2 plasma-desktop 5.22.4-1 plasma-nm 5.22.4-1 plasma-pa 5.22.4-1 plasma-simplemenu 1.0.12-1 plasma-workspace 5.22.4-3 plasma-workspace-wallpapers 5.22.4-1 poppler-data 0.4.10-1 powerdevil 5.22.4-1 powertop 2.14-1 print-manager 21.08.0-1 procps-ng 3.3.17-1 psmisc 23.4-1 pulseaudio-bluetooth 15.0-1 pulseaudio-ctl 1.70-1 pulseaudio-zeroconf 15.0-1 python-pillow 8.3.1-1 python-pip 20.3.4-1 python-pyqt5 5.15.4-1 python-pysmbc 1.0.23-2 python-reportlab 3.5.68-2 qbittorrent 4.3.7-1 qt5-imageformats 5.15.2-1 qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.15.2-1 reiserfsprogs 3.6.27-3 rsync 3.2.3-4 ruby 3.0.2-1 s-nail 14.9.22-1 samba 4.14.7-1 screenfetch 3.9.1-1 sddm 0.19.0-6 sddm-breath2-theme 1.0.18-5 sddm-kcm 5.22.4-1 seahorse 1:40.0-1 sed 4.8-1 shadow 4.8.1-4 skanlite 21.08.0-1 snapd 2.51.3-2 snapd-glib 1.54-1 spectacle 21.08.0-1 spectre-meltdown-checker 0.44-1 sshfs 3.7.2-1 steam-manjaro sudo 1.9.7.p2-1 sysfsutils 2.1.1-1 system-config-printer 1.5.15-1 systemd 248.7-1 systemd-fsck-silent 239-1 systemd-kcm 1.2.1-5 systemd-sysvcompat 248.7-1 systemsettings 5.22.4-1 tar 1.34-1 teamviewer 15.21.4-1 terminus-font 4.49.1-2 texinfo 6.8-2 timeshift 20.11.1.r28.gefed117-2 tlp 1.3.1-2 transcode 1.1.7-38 ttf-dejavu 2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-3 ttf-droid 20121017-10 ttf-inconsolata 1:3.000-3 ttf-indic-otf 0.2-11 ttf-liberation 2.1.4-1 ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12 udiskie 2.3.3-1 udisks2 2.9.3-1 unarchiver 1.10.7-4 usb_modeswitch 2.6.1-1 usbutils 014-1 util-linux 2.37.2-1 vcdimager 2.0.1-4 vi 1:070224-5 virtualbox 6.1.26-1 vkd3d 1.2-1 vlc 3.0.16-3 vulkan-intel 21.2.1-1 vulkan-radeon 21.2.1-1 wallpapers-2018 1.2-1 wallpapers-juhraya 1.1-2 wget 1.21.1-1 which 2.21-5 wine 6.15-1 wine-gecko 2.47.2-2 wine-mono 6.3.0-1 winetricks 20210206-1 wpa_supplicant 2:2.9-8 xdg-desktop-portal 1.8.1-1 xdg-desktop-portal-kde 5.22.4-1 xdg-user-dirs 0.17-3 xdg-utils 1.1.3+19+g9816ebb-1 xf86-input-elographics 1.4.2-2 xf86-input-evdev 2.10.6-2 xf86-input-libinput 1.1.0-1 xf86-input-void 1.4.1-5 xf86-video-amdgpu 21.0.0-1 xf86-video-ati 1:19.1.0-2 xf86-video-intel 1:2.99.917+916+g31486f40-1 xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.17-1 xfsprogs 5.13.0-1 xorg-server 1.20.13-3 xorg-twm 1.0.11-1 xorg-xinit 1.4.1-3 xorg-xkill 1.0.5-2 xz 5.2.5-1 yakuake 21.08.0-1 zensu 0.3-1
it seems dxvk 191 wasnt installed on my system as lib. At off reps there is no dxvk lib. I installed it from AUR and it helped.
You were missing vulkan loader deps as you install dxvk from aur which has vulkan loader as required pkg were install with it help fixing issue.
Yep, it helped. Game is fine now. Thank you.
Hi everyone!
Still have black screen after login.
I saw this thread and i did these commands (installed dxvk191 and updated wine-runtime with beta arg), but it still give me black screen. Then i did fresh install (removed snap with --purge arg and installed it again). i dunno where i go wrong.
if i run league from terminal, game closes after login and give me this:
[pikachu@pikapika ~]$ leagueoflegends WARNING: cgroup v2 is not fully supported yet, proceeding with partial confinement fsync: up and running. 000000.002| OKAY| Running from cwd 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends'. 000000.002| ALWAYS| Application Version:11.17.393.0607 - CL:3930607 - Build Date:Aug 19 2021 - Build Time:17:22:22 000000.002| OKAY| Initial working directory: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends" 000000.003| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe" 000000.004| OKAY| Command line arguments: 000000.005| OKAY| Enabling Data API Dradis collection with endpoint: 000000.012| ALWAYS| The following message is prepared to be sent to dradis: Event Name: riotrclientevent common.os_platform: Windows common.application_name: LeagueClient common.application_version: 11.17.393.0607 common.cef_version: 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114 common.installation_id: KA7rJA== common.locale: ru_RU common.os_version_major: 7 common.machine_id: y1i/Owuf7kKH4m7rRUIJ8w== common.os_edition: Ultimate N, x64 common.os_version_minor: Service Pack 1 common.region: RU common.session_id: b654ab25-4eec-dd40-94f2-9e4250c82eaa event_name: startup crash_reporter: crashpad 000000.012| ALWAYS| Queued Dradis event to be sent. 000000.012| ALWAYS| Direct Launch enabled for in environment 'live' for app path 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe' and install dir 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends' 000000.013| ALWAYS| Found associated Riot Client install (c:/Riot Games/Riot Client/RiotClientServices.exe) 000000.087| OKAY| Launched Riot Client with process 276 000000.087| ALWAYS| Riot Client started. Exiting with the expectation of being restarted (ExitForDirectLaunch). 0238:err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding 000005.948| OKAY| EventCollector: 0 events remaining after thread join 000005.948| OKAY| Shut down EventCollector in 938 milliseconds [pikachu@pikapika ~]$ MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0
fixme:vkd3d_create_device: Unsupported feature level 0xc100. MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0
fixme:vkd3d_create_device: Unsupported feature level 0xc000. MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0
LeagueClientUx pid: 18781 Waiting for port 44741 05a4:err:winediag:MIDIMAP_drvOpen No software synthesizer midi port found, Midi sound output probably won't work. [pikachu@pikapika ~]$ 01d0:err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize