mmucklo / email-parse

Email\Parse is a multiple (and single) email address parser for php that is reasonably RFC822 / RFC2822 compliant.
MIT License
46 stars 14 forks source link

Installing results in "Package container-interop/container-interop is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/container instead." #20

Open tomschlick opened 4 years ago

tomschlick commented 4 years ago

It looks that the underlying zendframework/zend-validator package is using the container-interop/container-interop package which is now deprecated. The zend validatior package is also now abandoned

mmucklo/email-parse 2.0.0 email-parse a (reasonably) RFC822 / RF2822-compliant library for batch parsing multiple (and single) email addresses
├──php >=5.6.0
├──psr/log ~1.0
│  └──php >=5.3.0
├──true/punycode ~2.0
│  ├──php >=5.3.0
│  └──symfony/polyfill-mbstring ^1.3
│     └──php >=5.3.3
└──zendframework/zend-validator >=2.0,<=3.0
   ├──container-interop/container-interop ^1.1
   │  └──psr/container ^1.0
   │     └──php >=5.3.0
   ├──php ^7.1
   └──zendframework/zend-stdlib ^3.2.1
      └──php ^5.6 || ^7.0
mmucklo commented 4 years ago

Looks like the Zend IP address validator needs to be swapped out.

glensc commented 4 years ago

The zend-validator new origin is laminas-validation:

However, it doesn't solve the problem either, as it's just using new name, without changes in this area.

underdpt commented 3 years ago

Is there any ETA for a new release with this updates?

mmucklo commented 3 years ago
