mmuman / HaikuThemes

Some basic themes for the BeOS/ZETA/Haiku ThemeManager
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Backgrounds are not loaded and more #2

Open Briseur opened 5 years ago

Briseur commented 5 years ago

Some themes are needing backgrounds that are not available in theme. Others like Stargate themes have wrong path. If you try to load Stargate theme you get a black background. Worst if you go to Backgrounds app to select the right one, it is suggesting the list of SG wallpapers as expected but since trying to load them from wrong directory they will all end black. You have to go through Others... for each one.

Some themes are needing decorators that are not available in theme nor as external package. My thought is that a least one more decorator should be provided by Haiku to demonstrate functionality (I guess a really flat one would be nice. BeOS has only the tab flat.), others should be provided as packages containing one or a pack. So if the theme requires one, it can be installed as dependency. Most common seems to be Smoke, if someone has courage to port it..

Some themes are needing fonts that are not available in theme nor as external package. I guess some were the default fonts used at this time. In this case their entries could be deleted or replaced with actual ones. Most common should be packaged and installed as dependencies, others should be included and installed in same time the theme is.

Some themes are needing a screensaver that is not available in theme nor as external package. Most common seems to be Flip..

Some themes are needing sounds that are not available in theme nor as external package. Most common are old BeOS sounds. It's time for Haiku to open a contest to include some of it's own.

Some themes need a check against Qt apps as color schemes may cause problems with main menu bar. A warning would be welcome. Perhaps is it something to do in ThemeManager?

Briseur commented 5 years ago

Detailed list of problems in themes actually packaged


Missing background, decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Paths would be wrong anyway

Backgrounds /boot/beos/etc/Backgrounds/Wallgrass.jpg Decorator
Menlo Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Screensaver TextCrawler Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav


Missing background, decorator and fonts. Background path would be wrong.

Backgrounds /boot/home/config/Backgrounds/GonxBG.png Decorator GONX Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT


Missing background, decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Paths would be wrong anyway.

Backgrounds /boot/beos/etc/Backgrounds/Zeta Machine.jpeg Decorator TextMode Fonts Monospac821 BT ProFont Screensaver Matrix Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/apps/Internet/Yahoo/media/purr.aiff /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/SONAR.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/Youvegot.wav /boot/apps/Internet/Yahoo/media/ring.mp3 /boot/apps/Internet/Yahoo/media/doorslam.mp3 /boot/apps/Internet/Yahoo/media/dooropen.mp3 /boot/beos/etc/sounds/TYPEKEY.WAV


Missing decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Sounds path would be wrong anyway.

Decorator blueBeOS Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Screensaver Flip Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav


Missing decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Sounds path would be wrong anyway.

Decorator MenloTab Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Courier10 BT Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Screensaver Flip Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav


Missing background, decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Paths would be wrong anyway.

Backgrounds /boot/beos/etc/Backgrounds/Zeta Bugs.jpeg Decorator _MenloTab_Missing background, decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Paths would be wrong anyway. Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Dutch801 Rm BT Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Screensaver Flip Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/im/AIMNewMessage /boot/beos/etc/sounds/VOICEHI.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BEEPMULT.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/WHOOSH.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/WATER.WAV /boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/Dragonfyre/Sounds/DF-Email.mp3 /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav


Missing backgrounds, decorator, fonts, screensaver and sounds. Paths would be wrong anyway.

Backgrounds /boot/home/config/Backgrounds/AnnihilationII1-0.jpg /boot/home/config/Backgrounds/CS10.JPG Decorator Smoke Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Courier10 BT Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Screensaver Flip Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav


Missing decorator, fonts and sounds. Sounds path would be wrong anyway. Background is included but path is wrong (it should start by /boot/system/data/UITheme/... )

Backgrounds /boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/TuneTracker/CommandCenterWallpaper.png Decorator Smoke Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Courier10 BT Monospac821 BT Swis721 BT Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/WATER.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/Youvegot.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/TYPEKEY.WAV Screensaver Flip


Missing decorator, fonts and sounds. Sounds path would be wrong anyway.

Decorator win2k Fonts Bitstream Vera Sans Monospac821 BT Verdana Screensaver TextCrawler Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav

Stargate Atlantis

Missing decorator, few fonts and screensaver. Files included have wrong path. (it should start by /boot/system/data/UITheme/... )

Backgrounds _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/SGAWallpaper.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis4.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis5.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis6.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis7.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis8.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/Stargate_Atlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/mirkogaterium.jpg Decorator Smoke Fonts Bangle Thin Bitstream Vera Sans Courier10 BT Monospac821 BT Sounds /BeOS 5 System/home/Stargate/Atlantis/downloads/Program Files/Plus!/Themes/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGADefault.wav /_boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGANewMail.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAStartup.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAClose.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAMinimize.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAOpen.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAMaximize.wav Screensaver GalaxyScreenSaver

Stargate Atlantis Ancient

Missing decorator and screensaver. Files included have wrong path. (it should start by /boot/system/data/UITheme/... )

Backgrounds _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/SGAWallpaper.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis4.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis5.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis6.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis7.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/sAtlantis8.jpg _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/Stargate_Atlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Wallpaper/mirkogaterium.jpg Decorator Smoke Fonts Ancient Hand Ancient Virtual Anquietas Sounds /BeOS 5 System/home/Stargate/Atlantis/downloads/Program Files/Plus!/Themes/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGADefault.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGANewMail.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAStartup.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAClose.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAMinimize.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAOpen.wav _/boot/home/config/settings/UIThemes/StargateAtlantis/Stargate Atlantis Base/SGA Sounds/SGAMaximize.wav Screensaver GalaxyScreenSaver


Missing decorator, screensaver and sounds. Sounds path would be wrong anyway.

Decorator TextModeBlue Fonts Ancient Virtual Anquietas
Screensaver Matrix Sounds /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeBeep.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/BeStartup.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/SONAR.WAV /boot/beos/etc/sounds/Youvegot.wav /boot/beos/etc/sounds/TYPEKEY.WAV

mmuman commented 5 years ago

Yeah, paths are different between BeOS and Haiku… I'll patch them but a proper solution would be to have addons use placeholders for find_directory constants.