mmwise / sphero_ros

A Sphero ROS driver.
76 stars 61 forks source link

How do I Use it? like how can i add it into python #6

Open naruto4360 opened 8 years ago

naruto4360 commented 8 years ago

Ok so how do i install it or be able to run it? please help. Thanks! and Merry Christmas!

davinellulinvega commented 8 years ago

Hello, There is in fact two ways to achieve this. You can use the whole project as a node inside ROS and write a python client that subscribes and publishes to the right topics. Or if you're only interested in interfacing your python script with your sphero, you can go into the sphero_driver folder (where the is) and enter on the command line: sudo python install. This will install the package at your default location and you can use the driver in any of your python scripts by simply importing the sphero_driver module. Have fun.

naruto4360 commented 8 years ago


Samrath4271 commented 8 years ago

I am trying to enter the command in terminal (I am on a mac), and it says there is an error on line 4 which says, from catkin_pkg.python_setup import generate_distutils_setup. the file catkin pkg setup is not in the directory. Please get back as soon as possible

dinomite59 commented 7 years ago


dinomite59 commented 7 years ago

i am on windows

darin-costello commented 7 years ago

I've written a stand alone version , Its not tested on windows, but it should work as it don't use any system dependent libraries. it has all the features as this package plus some, but it is still a work in progress.