mn416 / QPULib

Language and compiler for the Raspberry Pi GPU
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Priority: Fixes to development after DMA addition #55

Closed wimrijnders closed 6 years ago

wimrijnders commented 6 years ago

This is some stuff I ran into after updating git on all my machines. Notably, this is restoring some stuff in the Makefile.

I must say I'm a bit bemused by this; the stuff that got in your way was plain deleted. At the very least, you could have commented them out with a note. Even better, keep the given changes local and don't submit them.

I would propose that, rather than sweeping the problems under a rug, it's better to try and fix them. I believe that these additions, which were indeed all mine, are significant. I also think that you believe that too, since you accepted the PR's.

In any case, they're back now. I would propose merging this, and then test the fixes in the other PR's for the issues. If these solutions are not adequate, it would be very helpful if you examined the problems on your Pi, since that is where they originate.

mn416 commented 6 years ago

No offence intended, I simply thought that by reporting the issues I encountered, you would submit a new PR

wimrijnders commented 6 years ago

@mn416 No offence taken. And I am supplying fixes to the PR's for the things you report.

But I would appreciate it if you kept the basics intact. All the PR's depend upon branch development, and if that changes, the PR's need to change along with it. At the very least to avoid 'conflict on merge'.

If development changes, the first thing I do is update all branches locally with it. Although I must say I'm making it a bit hard on myself: I've got branches for about 6 PR's now, spread over 4 machines (compile on intel as well). I haven't found a way yet to automate this, which is not quite possible anyway when there are conflicts.