mn6 / nook-desktop

Desktop version of Nook, since Chrome MV3 will render it unusable
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[Suggestion] Add Wild World Music? #61

Open GoldenReverie opened 11 months ago

GoldenReverie commented 11 months ago

I grew up with wild world and would love to see this added to the list :)

Thanks for all contributors work on this one, it was a slice of magic to find on my steam deck and just relax to.

OpenSauce04 commented 11 months ago

I believe this has previously been closed due to Cityfolk basically being better Wild World for the purposes of the OST

GoldenReverie commented 11 months ago

@OpenSauce04 not played much of city folk but surely it will have differences? I'd prefer a pure experience honestly.

WMan22 commented 11 months ago

Came here to ask this. I would also like Wild World. City Folk might be "the same" but small intricacies of a track make up a huge difference in nostalgia. I actually would like the the additional crust of the DS versions of the tracks in it's own wild world tabs.