mn6 / nook-desktop

Desktop version of Nook, since Chrome MV3 will render it unusable
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[Suggestion] Add fan-soundtrack by Scruffy on youtube? #70

Open fishsticxz opened 8 months ago

fishsticxz commented 8 months ago

A couple years ago Scruffy made a wonderful 24-hour soundtrack for an imaginary animal crossing fangame, called Animal Crossing: Taking Root, and I'd love to be able to listen to it all day through Nook! It's very high quality and well made in the spirit of Animal Crossing games.

He has said people are free to use it in projects as long as you buy the album off his bandcamp (10 dollars) and remember to credit, but for a project like this where you'd just be using the music as is it might still be smart for the project lead to ask him for permission. I feel like he might be happy to let people listen to the music through a free app like this, as he's already made the 1 hour looped versions he has on youtube ad-free. If you don't want to add non-official Animal Crossing music in the app that's fine though, just a suggestion!

LupusHacker commented 3 months ago

+1 Paid for the full album just to have perfect loops throughout the day. Would be great to have it alongside the rest of the roster.