mn6 / nook-desktop

Desktop version of Nook, since Chrome MV3 will render it unusable
215 stars 27 forks source link

Is this repo maintained? #88

Closed ggppjj closed 2 months ago

ggppjj commented 2 months ago


I notice that this repo had 10 open pull requests and hasn't been touched in a year, and the developer's Github shows no activity for the past several months.

Is this repo still maintained? If not, is there an active fork somewhere?


mn6 commented 2 months ago

Hey there! I have unfortunately had to step away from any side projects due to some unforeseen circumstances over the past year, but the project continues to be live, and I still host everything related to the project. I lost access to a Mac/linux device and I'm unable to sign packages as well, but I did order a new device to be able to work on this and sign these packages locally. I plan on getting back to it once I get my Mac/linux device in the coming weeks, so I hope to be able to review these PRs/issues and get some updates pushed out.

Will update the README if something happens or I can't maintain the project any longer.


ggppjj commented 2 months ago

Understood, thank you for confirming!

I was interested in contributing further, and am happy to hear that it won't be wasted effort.

Thanks again!