mnakada / atomcam_tools

Hack tool for atomcam and wyzecam.
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set video_callback bitrate #26

Closed gtxaspec closed 2 years ago

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

@mnakada, are you familiar with a way to set the bitrate (kbps) for the video hooked by video_callback? perhaps it could be adjusted in the source.

mnakada commented 2 years ago

I don't know. But I think it is difficult because the values held by iCamera_app must be changed at the same time as the settings on the SDK side to be consistent. I think you can change the values on the SDK side by calling the API, but on the iCamera_app side, you cannot get the reference address to the variables.

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

ah, yes the api, I understand. comparisons with the official rtsp (1000kbps avg) and the libcallback (200kpbs avg) the difference is remarkable.

mnakada commented 2 years ago

How do you measure that bitrate? Can I check it?

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

@mnakada i have discovered you can adjust the bitrate using:

        /system/bin/impdbg --enc_rc_s 0:48:4:2048
        /system/bin/impdbg --enc_rc_s 0:52:4:2048

the api can reset these changes, be aware.

impdbg --enc_info gives more info on what the other options are.

the first one is MAX BITRATE the second is TARGET bitrate.

the quality is much improved.

thematrixdev commented 2 years ago

Is the video bitrate mentioned here refers to the video saving to SD-card? I wonder if the bitrate could be reduced so as to reduce IO load.

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

i am not sure if it related to SD card, you should try it edit: yes it does file sizebefore change: 7.7mb after change: 16mb per 1 minute chunks at 2048 bitrate

mnakada commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the information. I will check it.

thematrixdev commented 2 years ago

@gtxaspec Is it possible to make the audio better quality? Most of the time I cannot hear the content of the conversation.

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

@thematrixdev not sure, from what I have discovered, the debug tools only allow us to adjust some of the video parameters. perhaps @mnakada has some further insight or knowledge from his experience.

mnakada commented 2 years ago

@gtxaspec I tried changing various impdbg setting values and audio on/off, but I did not see any change in bitrate. In the case of AtomCam, observing the stream bitrate in VLC Statistics, it is about 600 kb/s when the video is still and about 2500 kb/s when the video is moving in front of the camera.

@thematrixdev Audio is 8K/mono so the sampling frequency is low, but it looks like the hardware is not picking up the sound properly.

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

@mnakada i understand, perhaps there are differences between the atomcam and wyze. Would you share the output of impdbg --enc_info ?

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

@thematrixdev maybe it could be related to the noise suppression of the T31 SDK... the documentation states:

int IMP_AI_EnableNs | ( | IMPAudioIOAttr * | attr , -- | -- | -- | --   |   | int | mode   | ) |   |  
The mode parameter of noise suppression indicates the level of noise suppression, ranging from [0 to 3]. The higher the level, the cleaner the noise suppression.
However, the cleaner the noise suppression is, the more sound details will be lost, so there is a contradiction here, which needs to be
balance when using it.
Echo cancellation includes noise suppression, if echo cancellation is enabled, noise suppression is not required.
int IMP_AI_EnableNs ( [IMPAudioIOAttr]( * attr , int mode ) checking ```logcat``` : ``` I/ai ( 262): AI Enable Chn: 1-0 I/ai ( 262): EXIT AI Enable Chn: 1-0 I/ai ( 262): AI Set Gain: 31 I/ai ( 262): AI Set Vol: 90 I/ai ( 262): AI AGC ENABLE: targetLevelDbfs = 4, compressionGaindB = 10, limiterEnable =1 I/ai ( 262): AI HPF Enable I/ai ( 262): HPF version is: Ingenic High Pass Filter 1.1.0 ``` i'm not sure how to check what it is set to
mnakada commented 2 years ago

@gtxaspec The output of impdbg -enc_info is as follows.

    CHANNEL 0    1920x 1080     START H264 tf:673530     df:387        encdur:33667364, encodingFrameCnt:673143,endencodeFrameCnt=673143,endrelaseFrameCnt=673143,Fps:20.01,Bitrate:459.52
ch->index = 0
chnAttr->encAttr->eProfile = 77(0x4d) offset:size = 0:4
chnAttr->encAttr->uLevel = 41(0x29) offset:size = 4:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uTier = 0(0x0) offset:size = 5:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uWidth = 1920(0x780) offset:size = 6:2
chnAttr->encAttr->uHeight = 1080(0x438) offset:size = 8:2
chnAttr->encAttr->ePicFormat = 392(0x188) offset:size = 12:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncOptions = 294952(0x48028) offset:size = 16:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncTools = 156(0x9c) offset:size = 20:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 8(0x8) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uTargetBitRate = 720(0x2d0) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxBitRate = 960(0x3c0) offset:size = 52:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iInitialQP = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 56:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMinQP = 23(0x17) offset:size = 58:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMaxQP = 51(0x33) offset:size = 60:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iIPDelta = 3(0x3) offset:size = 62:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iPBDelta = 3(0x3) offset:size = 64:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->eRcOptions = 1(0x1) offset:size = 68:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPictureSize = 1920(0x780) offset:size = 72:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPSNR = 48(0x30) offset:size = 76:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateNum = 20(0x14) offset:size = 80:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateDen = 1(0x1) offset:size = 84:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopCtrlMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 88:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopLength = 20(0x14) offset:size = 92:2
chnAttr->gopAttr->uNumB = 0(0x0) offset:size = 94:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uMaxSameSenceCnt = 1(0x1) offset:size = 96:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bEnableLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 100:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uFreqLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 104:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bLTRC = 0(0x0) offset:size = 108:1
    CHANNEL 4    1920x 1080      STOP JPEG tf:6950       df:8          encdur:33649471, encodingFrameCnt:6942,endencodeFrameCnt=6942,endrelaseFrameCnt=6942,Fps:0.50,Bitrate:235.95
ch->index = 4
chnAttr->encAttr->eProfile = 67108864(0x4000000) offset:size = 0:4
chnAttr->encAttr->uLevel = 0(0x0) offset:size = 4:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uTier = 0(0x0) offset:size = 5:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uWidth = 1920(0x780) offset:size = 6:2
chnAttr->encAttr->uHeight = 1080(0x438) offset:size = 8:2
chnAttr->encAttr->ePicFormat = 392(0x188) offset:size = 12:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncOptions = 294952(0x48028) offset:size = 16:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncTools = 156(0x9c) offset:size = 20:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 0(0x0) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->FixQP->iInitialQP = 32(0x20) offset:size = 48:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateNum = 20(0x14) offset:size = 80:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateDen = 1(0x1) offset:size = 84:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopCtrlMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 88:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopLength = 40(0x28) offset:size = 92:2
chnAttr->gopAttr->uNumB = 0(0x0) offset:size = 94:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uMaxSameSenceCnt = 1(0x1) offset:size = 96:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bEnableLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 100:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uFreqLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 104:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bLTRC = 0(0x0) offset:size = 108:1
    CHANNEL 2    1920x 1080     START H265 tf:673530     df:124        encdur:33667365, encodingFrameCnt:673406,endencodeFrameCnt=673405,endrelaseFrameCnt=673405,Fps:20.01,Bitrate:70.39
ch->index = 2
chnAttr->encAttr->eProfile = 16777217(0x1000001) offset:size = 0:4
chnAttr->encAttr->uLevel = 50(0x32) offset:size = 4:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uTier = 1(0x1) offset:size = 5:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uWidth = 1920(0x780) offset:size = 6:2
chnAttr->encAttr->uHeight = 1080(0x438) offset:size = 8:2
chnAttr->encAttr->ePicFormat = 392(0x188) offset:size = 12:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncOptions = 294952(0x48028) offset:size = 16:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncTools = 156(0x9c) offset:size = 20:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 8(0x8) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uTargetBitRate = 600(0x258) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxBitRate = 800(0x320) offset:size = 52:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iInitialQP = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 56:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMinQP = 32(0x20) offset:size = 58:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMaxQP = 51(0x33) offset:size = 60:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iIPDelta = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 62:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iPBDelta = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 64:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->eRcOptions = 1(0x1) offset:size = 68:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPictureSize = 1920(0x780) offset:size = 72:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPSNR = 48(0x30) offset:size = 76:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateNum = 20(0x14) offset:size = 80:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateDen = 1(0x1) offset:size = 84:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopCtrlMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 88:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopLength = 40(0x28) offset:size = 92:2
chnAttr->gopAttr->uNumB = 0(0x0) offset:size = 94:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uMaxSameSenceCnt = 1(0x1) offset:size = 96:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bEnableLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 100:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uFreqLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 104:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bLTRC = 0(0x0) offset:size = 108:1
    CHANNEL 1     640x  360     START H265 tf:673541     df:112        encdur:33667365, encodingFrameCnt:673429,endencodeFrameCnt=673429,endrelaseFrameCnt=673429,Fps:20.01,Bitrate:95.16
ch->index = 1
chnAttr->encAttr->eProfile = 16777217(0x1000001) offset:size = 0:4
chnAttr->encAttr->uLevel = 50(0x32) offset:size = 4:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uTier = 1(0x1) offset:size = 5:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uWidth = 640(0x280) offset:size = 6:2
chnAttr->encAttr->uHeight = 360(0x168) offset:size = 8:2
chnAttr->encAttr->ePicFormat = 392(0x188) offset:size = 12:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncOptions = 294952(0x48028) offset:size = 16:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncTools = 156(0x9c) offset:size = 20:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 8(0x8) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uTargetBitRate = 135(0x87) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxBitRate = 180(0xb4) offset:size = 52:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iInitialQP = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 56:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMinQP = 23(0x17) offset:size = 58:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iMaxQP = 51(0x33) offset:size = 60:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iIPDelta = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 62:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->iPBDelta = -1(0xffffffff) offset:size = 64:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->eRcOptions = 1(0x1) offset:size = 68:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPictureSize = 640(0x280) offset:size = 72:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxPSNR = 48(0x30) offset:size = 76:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateNum = 20(0x14) offset:size = 80:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateDen = 1(0x1) offset:size = 84:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopCtrlMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 88:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopLength = 20(0x14) offset:size = 92:2
chnAttr->gopAttr->uNumB = 0(0x0) offset:size = 94:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uMaxSameSenceCnt = 1(0x1) offset:size = 96:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bEnableLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 100:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uFreqLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 104:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bLTRC = 0(0x0) offset:size = 108:1
    CHANNEL 5     640x  360      STOP JPEG tf:19         df:4          encdur:33235296, encodingFrameCnt:15,endencodeFrameCnt=15,endrelaseFrameCnt=15,Fps:0.00,Bitrate:0.20
ch->index = 5
chnAttr->encAttr->eProfile = 67108864(0x4000000) offset:size = 0:4
chnAttr->encAttr->uLevel = 0(0x0) offset:size = 4:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uTier = 0(0x0) offset:size = 5:1
chnAttr->encAttr->uWidth = 640(0x280) offset:size = 6:2
chnAttr->encAttr->uHeight = 360(0x168) offset:size = 8:2
chnAttr->encAttr->ePicFormat = 392(0x188) offset:size = 12:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncOptions = 294952(0x48028) offset:size = 16:4
chnAttr->encAttr->eEncTools = 156(0x9c) offset:size = 20:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 0(0x0) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->FixQP->iInitialQP = 32(0x20) offset:size = 48:2
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateNum = 20(0x14) offset:size = 80:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->outFrmRate->frmRateDen = 1(0x1) offset:size = 84:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopCtrlMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 88:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->uGopLength = 40(0x28) offset:size = 92:2
chnAttr->gopAttr->uNumB = 0(0x0) offset:size = 94:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uMaxSameSenceCnt = 1(0x1) offset:size = 96:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bEnableLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 100:1
chnAttr->gopAttr->uFreqLT = 0(0x0) offset:size = 104:4
chnAttr->gopAttr->bLTRC = 0(0x0) offset:size = 108:1
gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

ah, i can see the default settings are simliar:


chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 8(0x8) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uTargetBitRate = 720(0x2d0) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxBitRate = 960(0x3c0) offset:size = 52


chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 8(0x8) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uTargetBitRate = 720(0x2d0) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->CappedQuality->uMaxBitRate = 960(0x3c0) offset:size = 52:4

running the following increases quality from the rtsp stream significantly for:

/system/bin/impdbg --enc_rc_s 0:44:4:2
/system/bin/impdbg --enc_rc_s 0:48:4:4096
/system/bin/impdbg --enc_rc_s 0:52:4:4096

you can run impdbg after you run the commands to verify they have been applied properly. Does this work with ATOM?

mnakada commented 2 years ago

The setting values have changed, but the RTSP bitrate is still the same. The image quality does not appear to have changed either.

chnAttr->rcAttr->rcMode = 2(0x2) offset:size = 44:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->Vbr->uTargetBitRate = 4096(0x1000) offset:size = 48:4
chnAttr->rcAttr->Vbr->uMaxBitRate = 4096(0x1000) offset:size = 52:4

Maybe AtomCam has some other setting.

gtxaspec commented 2 years ago

closing pending more research!