mncharity / node-webvr-alt-stack

An insecure alternative WebVR stack for the HTC Vive on Linux.
16 stars 3 forks source link

error cannot run in wd %s %s (wd=%s) steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0 #1

Open eric-schleicher opened 6 years ago

eric-schleicher commented 6 years ago

trying to get up and running and finding the instructions a bit confusing between the top level package and the files in the package folders(s).

Should I be following from the root of the project?

Either way i seem to be running into the same error, which looks like it's an unpublished npm package. it seems like it's something simple that I'm missing. any pointers greatly appreciated.

npm WARN lifecycle steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0~install: cannot run in wd %s %s (wd=%s) steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0 scripts/install /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack/packages/steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download

eric-schleicher commented 6 years ago

expanded output

root@capture-bot:/home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack# npm install
npm WARN The package lerna is included as both a dev and production dependency.

up to date in 1.031s
root@capture-bot:/home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack# npm run clean-bootstrap

> webvr-alt-stack@0.0.0 clean-bootstrap /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack
> npm run clean; npm run bootstrap

> webvr-alt-stack@0.0.0 clean /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack
> lerna run clean; rm -rf packages/*/node_modules packages/*/build

lerna info version 2.2.0

> steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0 clean /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack/packages/steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download
> rm -rf tmp tmpSteam

> steamvr-lighthouse-driver@0.0.0 clean /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack/packages/steamvr-lighthouse-driver
> rm -f files/*

lerna success run Ran npm script 'clean' in packages:
lerna success - steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download
lerna success - steamvr-lighthouse-driver

> webvr-alt-stack@0.0.0 bootstrap /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack
> lerna bootstrap

lerna info version 2.2.0
lerna info Bootstrapping 11 packages
lerna info lifecycle preinstall
lerna info Installing external dependencies
lerna info Symlinking packages and binaries
lerna info lifecycle postinstall
lerna info lifecycle prepublish
lerna info lifecycle prepare
lerna success Bootstrapped 11 packages
root@capture-bot:/home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack# npm run get-driver

> webvr-alt-stack@0.0.0 get-driver /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack
> (cd packages/steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download; npm install)

npm WARN lifecycle steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0~install: cannot run in wd %s %s (wd=%s) steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download@0.0.0 scripts/install /home/rosuser/Documents/Git/fork/node-webvr-alt-stack/packages/steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download
up to date in 0.064s
mncharity commented 6 years ago

I apologize for not replying earlier to this issue. I managed to not notice it. :(

instructions a bit confusing [...] Should I be following from the root of the project?

Yes, sorry for the confusion.


Googling suggests this error message occurs when npm is run as root, and then tries, but fails, to shed root privileges.

It should not have been necessary to run npm as root. A few installation steps do require root permissions, but those are broken out as separate, manual steps, shown with an explicit sudo.

It's been a year or two now, but if anyone is still interested in this repo, I'd be curious to hear of it. I still use this browser-as-compositor approach for VR/AR, though not using Vive or a WebVR api. But I've heard it said that WebVR is still ill-behaved even on Windows, and Valve's 2nd-generation lighthouse may be released this year, and a webxr-polyfill exists, so it might be worth exploring something similar for newer apis and devices.

Thank you for your interest, and I'm sorry it wasn't a better experience.