Dear developers,
In early 2023, we conducted a user experience study on ERP visualization tools. The main focus was on understanding how practitioners use ERP visualizations, but we also collected tool-specific feedback.
For each plot type in our study, we asked users to provide challenges and potential improvements for the toolbox they last used. The raw responses for your toolbox and general feedback for ERP visualization are attached in the following CSV files.
Describe your proposed implementation
We further provide user preferences, and some discussion and recommendations on ERP plotting in our preprint [1], which might be of interest as well. We are very open to comments and critiques, please use any of the following contacts to reach out.
Note that in some cases the first column includes other tool names too, because people had the same issue with multiple tools.
Describe the new feature or enhancement
Dear developers, In early 2023, we conducted a user experience study on ERP visualization tools. The main focus was on understanding how practitioners use ERP visualizations, but we also collected tool-specific feedback. For each plot type in our study, we asked users to provide challenges and potential improvements for the toolbox they last used. The raw responses for your toolbox and general feedback for ERP visualization are attached in the following CSV files.
Describe your proposed implementation
We further provide user preferences, and some discussion and recommendations on ERP plotting in our preprint [1], which might be of interest as well. We are very open to comments and critiques, please use any of the following contacts to reach out. Note that in some cases the first column includes other tool names too, because people had the same issue with multiple tools.
Describe possible alternatives
[1] doi: general_feedback.csv mne.csv
Additional context
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