mnelson4 / printmyblog

WordPress Plugin that simplifies printing your entire blog
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 6 forks source link

Custom job for Joseph Fugallo on #380

Open mnelson4 opened 11 months ago

mnelson4 commented 11 months ago

Joseph needs to provide a PDF and print user manual in many languages. The manual is just a page on his website. Visitors can download a PDF of the page OK (and Joseph has manually added spacers to the page to make it layout nicely), but when they switch languages, the content's length changes and so his spacers are off. Also, the plugin he uses for translations, gTranslate, didn't work with PMB.

On Test site

On Production Site

mnelson4 commented 11 months ago

ended up just tidying up their print CSS, added some custom CSS to their site, use custom CSS classes "aat-big-image" and "aat-page-break" instead of spacers, and added a print button. If the customer likes it, I'll implement on the live page.

mnelson4 commented 10 months ago

Also added

mnelson4 commented 10 months ago

It seems we're going to just use the browser's native print abilities for v1, which is mostly ready. To do to depoy:

V2 will be to use Pro Print Frontend buttons. For that I'll need: