mneuhaus / Sick-Beard

Fork to work on multiple Languages in the branch multi_language
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug while searching #2

Open mneuhaus opened 12 years ago

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

here's a bug while searching :

2012-08-24 23:49:31.033000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error while searching Newzbin, skipping: unhashable type: 'list'

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

2012-08-25 00:56:11.080000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error loading NZBMatrix URL:

but this link can be opened (and why there are HD files in the feed as i have the option sd)

same kind of bug for manual search

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

please retest, tons of changes in latest commit :)

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

i'll do some hard testing today

Were getting soon to have something correct i think

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

the bug is still present for manual search for newzbin :

2012-08-27 12:37:53.428000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error while searching Newzbin, skipping: list index out of range

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

could you post your log around that time? the messages in the console aren't as detailled as the log :) there should be a stack-trace with exact location of the error near that error

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

yess 'll do.

But the log screen bug is still present, i have to go and find in the text file

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

it should be under logs/sickbeard.log :)

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

oût-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: cache.db: SELECT * FROM newzbin WHERE tvdbid = ? AND season = ? AND episodes LIKE ? with args [159591, 2, '%|3|%'] août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Cache results: [] août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: cache.db: SELECT show_name FROM scene_exceptions WHERE tvdb_id = ? with args [159591] août-27 12:42:06 ERROR SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error while searching Newzbin, skipping: unhashable type: 'list' août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-172b75d\sickbeard\", line 277, in findEpisode curFoundResults = curProvider.findEpisode(episode, manualSearch=manualSearch) File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-172b75d\sickbeard\providers\", line 244, in findEpisode itemList += self._doSearch(cur_search_string, File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-172b75d\sickbeard\providers\", line 294, in _doSearch data = self._getRSSData(searchStr.encode('utf-8'), show.getLanguagesList()) File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-172b75d\sickbeard\providers\", line 335, in _getRSSData languageCode = self._language_codes.get(audioLangs) TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Unable to get parse release_group: Unable to parse août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Episode has no release name, replacing it with a generic one: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN août-27 12:42:06 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: found %0E as the ep pattern using (?P[ .-]) ((?:s(?:eason|eries)?\s)?%0?S(?![.]?N)) (.?) (%0?E(?![.]?N)) (?P[ .-]) and replaced it with \g\g<2>\g<3>03\g to result in %SN - %Sx03 - %EN from %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN août-27 12:42:06 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Searching NZBMatrix for Luther - 2x03 - La vie à pile ou face pile

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

I think i've fixed that one, but i'm currently only using the first language in that part of the code, because ps_rb_language seems to accept only one language. We'll have to see how this works out.

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

no it still present with a strange message about provider not present

2012-08-27 13:04:24.458000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error while searching Newzbin, skipping: list index out of range 2012-08-27 13:04:24.467000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickbeard config. Please check your settings. 2012-08-27 13:04:28.461000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: Error while searching Newzbin, skipping: list index out of range 2012-08-27 13:04:28.470000 SEARCHQUEUE-MANUAL-SEARCH :: No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickbeard config. Please check your settings.

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

butwhen i do a wanted on that episode (backlog) this works

mneuhaus commented 12 years ago

could you paste the log again? :)

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

just had the same behaviour with a backlog on nzbmatrix

oût-27 13:07:57 ERROR SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-159591 :: Error while searching NZBMatrix, skipping: list index out of range août-27 13:07:57 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-159591 :: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-8c6e20e\sickbeard\", line 326, in findSeason curResults = curProvider.findSeasonResults(show, season) File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-8c6e20e\sickbeard\providers\", line 343, in findSeasonResults if not show.wantEpisode(actual_season, epNo, quality, False, title, languages): File "D:\mneuhaus-Sick-Beard-8c6e20e\sickbeard\", line 893, in wantEpisode currentLanguages = sqlResults[0]["audio_langs"].split("|") IndexError: list index out of range

août-27 13:07:57 ERROR SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-159591 :: No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickbeard config. Please check your settings. août-27 13:07:57 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-159591 :: The highest quality of any match is N/A août-27 13:08:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-3 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT showid, COUNT(_) FROM tvepisodes WHERE (status IN (4,3276804,204,404,3204,1604,104,804,6) OR (status IN (2,3276802,202,402,3202,1602,102,802,9,3276809,209,409,3209,1609,109,809) AND location != '')) AND season != 0 and episode != 0 AND airdate <= 734742 GROUP BY showid août-27 13:08:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-3 :: sickbeard.db: SELECT showid, COUNT() FROM tv_episodes WHERE season != 0 and episode != 0 AND (airdate != 1 OR status IN (4,3276804,204,404,3204,1604,104,804,2,3276802,202,402,3202,1602,102,802,9,3276809,209,409,3209,1609,109,809,6)) AND airdate <= 734742 AND status != 7 GROUP BY showid août-27 13:08:51 DEBUG CP Server Thread-3 :: 159591: Finding the episode which airs next

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

it's strange becasue for newzbin : manual doesnt work but backlog does

and for nzbmatrix manual works but baklog doe'snt

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

newznab seems to work for both

an0Nym0us63 commented 12 years ago

had the same a minute ago fro newznab

2012-08-27 13:15:39.498000 SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-124051 :: Error while searching NZBsu, skipping: list index out of range