mneumann / postgres-pr

A pure-Ruby (pr) library for accessing PostgreSQL databases
43 stars 13 forks source link

Raise a DatabaseError rather than a RuntimeError #6

Closed johnnyt closed 9 years ago

johnnyt commented 9 years ago

This makes working with Sequel much nicer (Sequel expects to catch DatabaseErrors)

johnnyt commented 9 years ago

@mneumann - do you have a minute to check this out?

mneumann commented 9 years ago

Look good! Commited!

johnnyt commented 9 years ago

Awesome - thanks!

It'd also be great to get a new version of the gem published.

mneumann commented 9 years ago

@johnnyt : Just uploaded 0.7.0. Enjoy! I haven't been active with Ruby for a quite long time!!!