To start a web search suggesting a thing at point initially, I've defined counsel-web-suggest-thing-at-point (analogously to counsel-web-thing-at-point):
(use-package counsel-web
:commands (counsel-web-suggest counsel-web-search counsel-web-thing-at-point)
("C-c s" . counsel-web-suggest-thing-at-point)
(counsel-web-engine 'google)
;; start web search suggesting a thing at point
(defun counsel-web-suggest-thing-at-point (thing)
"Use THING as the initial input for counsel-web-suggest"
(interactive (list (thing-at-point counsel-web-thing)))
(counsel-web-suggest thing)))
counsel-web-suggest-thing-at-point could be included into the package and/or mentioned in the README.
To start a web search suggesting a thing at point initially, I've defined
(analogously tocounsel-web-thing-at-point
could be included into the package and/or mentioned in the README.