mnooner256 / pyqrcode

Python 3 module to generate QR Codes
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
408 stars 74 forks source link

Still maintained? #52

Open kuhne opened 7 years ago

kuhne commented 7 years ago

Is this project still maintained? Thanks

mfrasca commented 6 years ago

who are the maintainers of this project? is it only @mnooner256, or are there more people? if nobody else volunteers, I am available for evaluating pull requests and closing issues.

heuer commented 6 years ago

@mnooner256, if you lost your interest in this project, I'd be happy to maintain it. Probably it will become a wrapper in the distant future around my QR Code encoder Segno but I'll keep your API and I'll take care about pull requests etc. I know the code very well (I contributed a lot of code for version 1.1) and I'll do my very best to keep your ideas around the API. Feel free to contact me. Even if I maintain another QR encoder, this project is still important to me.

heuer commented 6 years ago

Dear Michael, I tried again to reach you via email. Overtaking the repository wouldn't be a problem, overtaking the PyPI entry is more difficult. Would be nice if you'd contact me if you find the time. Thanks Lars

mfrasca commented 6 years ago

good day @heuer , if I may suggest one thing to do on this repository, you say you have already contributed and know the code, so maybe you are the right person to put order in the pull requests? even if it was just joining them into your own fork, but at least it could become the single central reference point. also, consider this: thank you, and regards.

heuer commented 6 years ago

I started here Two PR are into the develop branch already (#45 and #62).

mfrasca commented 6 years ago

nice, thank you. next issue will be publishing new versions at its pypi location.

heuer commented 6 years ago

@mnooner256, please contact me if you're still interested in this project. If possible, I like to take over this project without using PEP 541 if you aren't interested anymore. As said, it's easy to make a fork, but it's more difficult to adopt a PyPi name.

heuer commented 6 years ago

@mfrasca, see my comment above.

mfrasca commented 6 years ago

@heuer , we were writing about the same issue, at the same time :wink:

heuer commented 6 years ago

Since I heard nothing from @mnooner256 I opened

heuer commented 6 years ago

To move on, I created a 1.3.0 release. Changes:

Due to the unsolved PyPI issue, interested users may install it via

$ pip install git+
heuer commented 5 years ago

In the past I hesitated to promote my QR Code lib segno and I was willing to overtake the project (I still do), but currently I don't think it makes sense to maintain my fork at since isn't solved yet and it's unclear when or whether it will be solved soon.

So, I recommend to switch to segno. It's maintained, it contains a lot of tests and is faster than PyQRCode. It does not require any third party libs and supports PNG natively. The API is very similiar to PyQRCode.

Repository: Docs:

If the PyPi package ownership issue is solved, I'll continue my work on my PyQRCode fork.

heuer commented 5 years ago

@mnooner256 wants to maintain the package again, see

I'll open a PR (see #70) for the changes of the 1.3.0 version, maybe he'll takes it as a starting point for new releases. Since I have not heard anything from him, I do not know how the work will continue but I hope he'll create new releases soon.

Added some ideas for a 1.4.0 version (unpublished, unfinished), see #71

mfrasca commented 5 years ago

hi. may I suggest that you promote your segno library more clearly in your fork? for those who got stuck with the unmaintained pyqrcode.

heuer commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I've already done enough advertising for the library here. :)

heuer commented 5 years ago

To be honest, this library is used by many other projects. I would have liked to do it because I have contributed in the past, but I have not used the project for a few years. I just jumped in and I already indicated in my first comments that sooner or later the library would become a shell around my library.

Maybe it will be better if PyQRCode remains an independent project.

In my (biased) view, segno is the better PyQrCode with a more unpopular name, but at least the API should suit PyQRCode users.

Compared to qrcode, PyQRCode has a much better API and a lot of fewer dependencies and I understand why the project is so popular. The API and the lower depenedencies were my motivation to participate in the project. Whether you choose Segno or PyQRCode: Both have a better API than qrcode in my opinion! ;)

I wish Michael all the best and I'd be happy to see new releases.

heuer commented 5 years ago

Now, on the anniversary of "One year without progress", I have released a fork of PyQRCode called "PyQRCodeNG" (PyQRCode Next Generation) on PyPI. It is essentially version 1.3.0 of PyQRCode, which was never officially released.

The module is compatible with PyQRCode and can be installed via

pip install -U pyqrcodeng

Since PyQRCodeNG uses the same API, the module can be imported via

import pyqrcodeng as pyqrcode

without further code changes.

The project's repository is

mfrasca commented 5 years ago

Hi everybody!

seeing the new repository URL (Thank you Lars for insisting!), I realized the project missed an "organization", so I created one with the name of the library.


I have invited Lars, I hope he will accept the invitation, and as soon as he does so, I will give him complete administrative rights to the organization. I am currently considering migration to Erlang/Elixir, consequently I plan to do very little for this package, and I fully trust Lars will handle the organization in the most open way I can hope.

I haven't even added a repository. Lars, will you do that?

also, let's make sure there's always two or three people with the keys to the project.

@mnooner256, I'm sure you also want to be part of this, so please call.

cheers and have a good day.

heuer commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the invitation. If you think that an organization helps to improve the project I'll move the PyQRCodeNG repository to the org. I am not eager to lead the organization, though. If someone else wants to step in, I'd be happy. I am not sure if the fork is accepted by the community anyway. Time will tell us. ;) Anyway, I'll move the repository to the organization and we'll see what's happing. :)

heuer commented 5 years ago

New repository URI:

mfrasca commented 5 years ago

there's nothing special about an organization as far as my experience goes, except that it's not linked to a single user account. I tend to consider my own mfrasca area some sort of a sandbox, and when I want to promote something more stable, I create an organization around it. that's all.