mnsami / composer-custom-directory-installer

A composer plugin, to install differenty types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default composer default installation path which is in the vendor folder.
MIT License
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Issue with components install #14

Closed hstanleycrow closed 8 years ago

hstanleycrow commented 9 years ago

Hi, first, thanks for your work. I am making some tests, and the installer works in a half, the components (jquery, jqueryui, font-awesome) has been installed on vendor directory, bootstrap, bootstrap-sass and datatables are installes as i expected, in root/resources, could you help me to find the error? if i can fix this, i will not require to use bower or anything else :)

here is my composer.json "require" : { "php": ">=5.3.0", "mnsami/composer-custom-directory-installer": "1.0.*", "components/jqueryui" : ">=1.11.4", "components/font-awesome" : "dev-master", "twbs/bootstrap-sass" : ">=3.3.5", "twbs/bootstrap" : "~4.0", "datatables/datatables" : ">=1.10.9" }, "config": { "preferred-install": "dist" }, "extra": { "installer-paths": { "public/resources/components/jqueryui": ["components/jqueryui"], "public/resources/components/font-awesome": ["components/font-awesome"], "public/resources/bootstrap": ["twbs/bootstrap"], "public/resources/bootstrap-sass": ["twbs/bootstrap-sass"], "public/resources/datatables": ["datatables/datatables"] } },
"minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true

Thank you

mnsami commented 9 years ago

hello .. sorry for the late reply, but currently i'm heading off to my wedding vacations and i'll be available again after the 14th of October and I'll look into deep for all the comments you asked and pointed out.


mnsami commented 8 years ago

Hello @hstanleycrow

Simply all of those packages you want to custom install them, doesn't have the right package type that is supported by composer, which are mentioned here

Mariyo commented 8 years ago

Hello, isnt there any workaround for unsupported types? Kind of skip process...?

mnsami commented 8 years ago

hello @Mariyo ,

Unfortunately not at the current moment, unless you fork it and implement your own package type installer and plugin, which do the support for very specific package types.

I'm happy to discuss a solution, because it will also affect composer workflows.

mnsami commented 8 years ago

Reporter is not responding, I'm closing the ticket.

sylfabre commented 8 years ago

@mnsami I would like to discuss a solution :-) I use your plugin to put jquery / jqueryui / ckeditor in a public folder

sylfabre commented 8 years ago

@mnsami I don't understand why you limit depending on package type and not on installer-paths values to select package with specific location

mnsami commented 8 years ago

@sylfabre hello, I would like to hear your solution, and to answer your question, each package type composer handles it differently, I experienced that myself and I don't want to break that handling, my aim through this plugin is to extend it.

Let me give you an example, some of the pear packages are initially a tar or a zip file which I tried before, if I used them with a different package type, they will be only downloaded and not extracted.

Second, if all package types are the same, I don't think composer would have differentiated them in first place.

Check also the plugin.

sylfabre commented 8 years ago

@mnsami I don't know how composer works exactly si I don't know about packages that need to be extracted first but I will use robloach/component-installer to set my specific path.