Closed x1a0 closed 11 years ago
I used TileMill to style the map and output to mbtile format, then the command line tool to convert to directories of PNGs. Then I uploaded it to Amazon S3 and display it using PolyMaps.
@mnutt it appears that when running a local install of Hummingbird, the map tile images are not found (see returning 404's etc).
Is this intentional (ie. we have to provide our own map tiles) or a problem that can be resolved on your end?
It's not intentional. From that URL it looks like it's trying to load something in between zoom levels (3.152003162238109 instead of 3) so I think it's just a bug that it isn't using Math.round().
I don't mind people using my tiles from S3 unless it's a really high traffic site, in which case it's best to host your own.
This question is not really about the project itself, however i really don't know where to ask. Sorry :-|
Where can I find a world map as it's used in the hummingbird demo site?