mo-ah-dawood / fcm_config

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FormatException in getInitialMessage #29

Closed realkalash closed 2 years ago

realkalash commented 2 years ago
Future<void> _checkOnReceivedNotification() async {
    final initialMessage = await FCMConfig.instance.getInitialMessage();
    if (initialMessage != null) {


It works fine when the app is open, but when I open it from the notification, it throws an error. Example of the PN:

{senderId: null, category: null, collapseKey: null, contentAvailable: false, data: {twi_message_id: RUb5c43c3edb424986c02256d936eff86f, twi_body: {"message":{"sender_id":4170,"text":"Alex2 K, Alex Kalashnikov\n123\n ","type":"chat_message","chat_room_id":23517},"sound":1}}, from: 281770282794, messageId: 0:1659539439408925%aa724556f9fd7ecd, messageType: null, mutableContent: false, notification: null, sentTime: 1659539439369, threadId: null, ttl: 2419200}

PS: The service that sends these messages is Twilio.

mo-ah-dawood commented 2 years ago

as i see in the screenshoot the source is "" which mean you are using this method in the wrong location

this method is to getting the notification that opened the app so you may use it before running your app

see this

realkalash commented 2 years ago

Now I'm receiving a push notification with nulls and empty data

And this is happening in all cases when I click the push notification:

I'm receiving this {senderId: null, category: null, collapseKey: null, contentAvailable: false, data: {}, from: null, messageId: null, messageType: null, mutableContent: false, notification: null, sentTime: null, threadId: null, ttl: null}

Instead of this {senderId: null, category: null, collapseKey: null, contentAvailable: false, data: {twi_message_id: RU9d80739107f030d1361df9169cafa132, twi_body: {"message":{"sender_id":4170,"text":"Alex Kalashnikov\nSome message asfadfsdaggsfdfsf","type":"chat_message","chat_room_id":23291},"sound":1}}, from: 281770282794, messageId: 0:1656504411414293%aa724556f8fd7ecd, messageType: null, mutableContent: false, notification: null, sentTime: 1656504411350, threadId: null, ttl: 2419200}

Example of using FCMConfig.instance.messaging.getInitialMessage();

Future<void> main({bool integrationTesting = false}) async {
  await FCMConfig.instance.init(defaultAndroidChannel: const AndroidNotificationChannel('0', '0'));
  final clickedPushNotificationLocal = await FCMConfig.instance.local.getInitialMessage();
  final clickedPushNotificationMessaging = await FCMConfig.instance.messaging.getInitialMessage();

  if (kDebugMode) { 
    /// Receiving push notifications with empty data
    print('🔔 Clicked push notification local: ${clickedPushNotificationLocal?.toMap()}');
    /// Receiving null
    print('🔔🔔 Clicked push notification Messaging: ${clickedPushNotificationMessaging?.toMap()}');
await runZonedGuarded(
    () async {
                  container: _providerContainer,
                  child: const ProviderWidget(),

Example of using mixin

class TabPage extends StatefulWidget {
  const TabPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _TabPageState createState() => _TabPageState();

class _TabPageState extends State<TabPage>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, FCMNotificationClickMixin {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      /// other code

 /// On push notification click
  void onClick(RemoteMessage notification) {
    if (kDebugMode) {
      /// Receiving push notifications with empty data
      print('🔔 Clicked push notification from tab page: ${notification.toMap()}');

PS: The service that sends these messages is Twilio.

realkalash commented 2 years ago

It looks like it's something wrong on a deeper level. I've implemented the flutter local notifications plugin instead, and it does not see any data in Push notifications also.
