mob41 / broadlink-java-api

A clean Broadlink API for Java
MIT License
22 stars 25 forks source link

Completed implementation and testing #17

Closed bwssytems closed 6 years ago

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

This is now working properly and I am using it in the ha-bridge. This should be just a straight merge to master. Let me know if you have any questions.

mob41 commented 6 years ago

Hi thanks for the pull. I will check these days

I have removed the comment and put them into the reviews

mob41 commented 6 years ago

I think I can rebase and merge right now? The TODOs can be followed up later.

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

I can do those items on my branch being merged. I believe that is the preferred way

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

Made changes, take a look