mobeets / gaborMotionPulses

fitting cell and behavior STRFs to gabor motion pulses, using ASD
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LIP RFs split by rampiness #68

Closed mobeets closed 9 years ago

mobeets commented 9 years ago

about half the cells are rampy, the other half are still choice-separated but either flat or both ramping down.

of the rampy ones, about half have spatial structure. and in all but a couple of cases, the targets are all well-placed.

of the non-rampy ones, about half have spatial structure as well. but about half the cells have the targets not well-placed, as well as the stimulus at least nicking a blue-ish region. this seems to be almost all the cells that are down-ramping as well.

so down-ramping = bad target placement + stimulus in blue region rampy = good target placement + stimulus in red region