mobfishgmbh / Cardboard-VR-Unity-SDK

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Wrong orientation in 'No VR' mode when Default Orientation is not LandscapeLeft #54

Open daltonbr opened 4 years ago

daltonbr commented 4 years ago

I am updated with 0.7

When I am in 'No VR' mode, allowing AutoRotation on all orientations when I rotate my device the screen rotates mirrored to the wrong side. Like if I rotate clockwise, the screen rotates counterclockwise, so from the 4 possible orientations, I got one of them correct.

Even when the Camera is projecting in a wrong rotation (offset 90, -90, or 180 degrees), the camera rotation is following the gyro correctly. Meaning if I look up to the ceiling the screen rotates "up" locally.

  1. In VR mode I am locking the orientation to only LandcapeLeft, so there is no problem.
  2. Maybe it could be something related to this solved issue #6 ?
  3. One interesting thing is that if I call CardboardHeadTracker.PauseTracker() the screen rotates correctly, matching my current orientation, but I don't get the Camera tracking the gyro obviously.
  4. Maybe I am missing something related to the 'CameraManager.RecenterCamera()'. I tried to use that method unsuccessfully.
cai-mobfish commented 4 years ago

Orientation is correct on my side, but I do set the "Default Orientation" to "Landscape Left", which is required to use the vr camera. I'm going to update the document.

@daltonbr Can you confirm if it works on your side when app is locked to "Landscape Left"?

AutoRotation should not be used with this SDK. But, it is a nice-to-have feature, that device rotation matches in game camera with all device orientation.

daltonbr commented 4 years ago

Hi @cai-mobfish,

It worked perfectly when locking in LandscapeLeft, VR and NoVR.

Currently, I am locking the orientation in VR Mode and unlocking in NoVR.

In CardboardMainCamera.SetupEyeRenderTextureDescription() I am picking the largest of the Screen.width and Screen.height to create the eyeRenderTextureDesc.

        private void SetupEyeRenderTextureDescription()
            int biggerSide = Mathf.Max(Screen.width, Screen.height);
            int smallerSide = Mathf.Min(Screen.width, Screen.height);

           eyeRenderTextureDesc = new RenderTextureDescriptor()
                dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D,
                width = biggerSide / 2,
                height = smallerSide,
                depthBufferBits = 16,
                volumeDepth = 1,
                msaaSamples = 1,
                vrUsage = VRTextureUsage.OneEye

That solves a small bug when you initialize in Portrait and the turn VR mode on. This way when enabling VR I lock the orientation and I am good to go.

daltonbr commented 4 years ago

I manage to hack a way to compensate for the NoVR Camera projection.

        private static void OverrideNoVRCameraRotation()
            Vector3 rotation =;
            switch (Screen.orientation)
                case ScreenOrientation.Portrait:
                    rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, 90);
                case ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown:
                    rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, -90);
                case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
                case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight:
                    rotation = new Vector3(0, 0, 180);

            NOVRCamera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);

I am not sure if Screen.orientation is reliable in all devices, but in my tests with an iPad and iPhone X, it worked ok.