mobfox / MobFox-Android-SDK

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Multiple dex files define Lcom/c/c/ˏ; #89

Closed iWareDesigns closed 5 years ago

iWareDesigns commented 5 years ago


We are currently preparing for googles new criteria for targeting API 28 later on this year.

I am experiencing an error when trying to add the MobFox SDK to our Android Apps.

As soon as we add in the MobFox SDK we get the following error when rebuilding the project in Android Studio 3.3.2

"Multiple dex files define Lcom/c/c/ˏ;" Annotation 2019-04-07 123124

We are currently building with the following configutation:

compileSdkVersion 28
buildToolsVersion "28.0.3"
minSdkVersion 19
targetSdkVersion 28
multiDexEnabled true

//  MobFox
implementation 'com.github.mobfox.MobFox-Android-SDK-Core:MobFox-Android-SDK-Core:3.6.9'
implementation files('libs/MobFox-Android-AdMob-Adapter.jar')

Hopefully this will make more sense to you than it does me. I have spent the weekend so far trying different versions of Gradle and Plugin with Android Studio and haven't found a combination that works. Maybe it is just a matter of waiting for MobFox to move up to API 28.

Best regards,


iWareDesigns commented 5 years ago


I have tracked down the problem to the AerServ SDK. I will spend some more time trying to identify the duplicate class. But this is no longer an issue, as AerServ is not an option for us at the moment,

Best regards,
