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NoClassDefFoundError: net/imglib2/realtransform/InvertibleWrapped2DTransformAs3D #1120

Closed tischi closed 3 months ago

tischi commented 3 months ago

Hi @nicokiaru, do you know how I can fix this?

The relevant pom is in the new-n5 branch:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/imglib2/realtransform/InvertibleWrapped2DTransformAs3D
    at net.imglib2.realtransform.InvertibleWrapped2DTransformAs3DRealTransformRunTimeAdapter.getRunTimeClass(
    at sc.fiji.persist.ScijavaGsonHelper.lambda$getGsonBuilder$0(
    at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(
    at sc.fiji.persist.ScijavaGsonHelper.getGsonBuilder(
    at sc.fiji.persist.ScijavaGsonHelper.getGson(
    at org.embl.mobie.lib.bdv.view.SliceViewer.createBdv(
NicoKiaru commented 3 months ago

You can try to use the latest stable version of bigwarp fiji

tischi commented 3 months ago

Done here, but the error stays the same.

In fact, I am curious, because I did not explictly have bigwarp in the list of dependencies, but I am using it in the code. I guess that means that something shipped that transitively...

tischi commented 3 months ago

Weird: the class InvertibleWrapped2DTransformAs3D does not exist here: nor does InvertibleWrapped2DTransformAs3DRealTransformRunTimeAdapter exist....?!

tischi commented 3 months ago

Wow, I understand, you are using the same package name net.imglib2.realtransform in bdv-playground! I did not even know that this is allowed! Is that common practice?

OK, It works now, I needed to move the explicit bigwarp import higher up in the pom. Could it be that the version that you are shipping in bdv-pl is too old?