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Opening BdvOmeZarrS3 is not working with current MoBIE-beta #374

Closed constantinpape closed 3 years ago

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

The project at can be opened, but no data is loaded. Looks like all blocks are loaded as empty. Maybe this happens because the reader does use the incorrect dimension separator? I will double check that the actual data is ok once I have ome.zarr + napari working (hopefully Monday).

Note that opening the BdvOmeZarr dataset locally at /g/kreshuk/pape/Work/mobie/covid-em-datasets/ngff-example/data works. This should be the same data!

cc @KateMoreva

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago
public class OpenRemoteBdvOmeZarr {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        final ImageJ imageJ = new ImageJ();
        new MoBIE("", MoBIESettings.settings().gitProjectBranch( "master" ).imageDataFormat(ImageDataFormat.BdvOmeZarrS3));


`   new MoBIE("", MoBIESettings.settings().gitProjectBranch( "master" ).imageDataFormat(ImageDataFormat.BdvOmeZarr));`

works for me

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Could you please send the command that you used and the result?

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

I opened via Fiji: Plugins->MoBIE->Open->Open MoBIE project ..., enter

This opens the project, but the image is empty and the log records block misses:

Screenshot from 2021-07-22 20-43-25

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Hm, something strange is heppening: image image

edit: Extra image deleted, the last image changed (MoBIE-beta used)

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

Ok, I just tried again and now I can see the data... Indeed very weird. Do you know why it prints all the dataBlockIndices? Is this some left over debug output? (I also see it now). Something else I notice now: the pixel size is not correctly read from the xml metadata and set to "pixel". Instead it should be read from the xml, as for BdvN5.

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think dataBlockIndices is the leftover from debugging. OMEZarrS3Reader war used for reading this file, and it has:

   public SpimData readKey(String key) throws IOException {
        N5OMEZarrImageLoader.logChunkLoading = true;
        HashMap<String, Integer> axesMap = new HashMap<>();
        N5S3OMEZarrImageLoader imageLoader = new N5S3OMEZarrImageLoader(serviceEndpoint, signingRegion, bucketName, key, ".", axesMap);
        SpimData spimData = new SpimData(null, Cast.unchecked(imageLoader.getSequenceDescription()), imageLoader.getViewRegistrations());
        return spimData;
KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Something else I notice now: the pixel size is not correctly read from the xml metadata and set to "pixel". Instead it should be read from the xml, as for BdvN5.

Ok, thanks, I will work over it. Is there anything else strange apart from pixel size reading? :)

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

Ok, thanks, I will work over it. Is there anything else strange apart from pixel size reading? :)

No the rest looks good. I guess the issue with the empty data was just some access issues with the s3 bucket, maybe also due to some transient problems with my local connection.

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Хорошо, я просто попробовал еще раз, и теперь я вижу данные ... Действительно, очень странно. Вы знаете, почему он все печатает dataBlockIndices? Это какой-то остаток отладочной информации? (Я тоже это сейчас вижу). Я заметил кое-что еще: размер пикселя некорректно считывается из метаданных xml и установлен на «пиксель». Вместо этого его следует читать из xml, как для BdvN5.

@constantinpape , sholud it be like that?


KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

Хорошо, я просто попробовал еще раз, и теперь я вижу данные ... Действительно, очень странно. Вы знаете, почему он все печатает dataBlockIndices? Это какой-то остаток отладочной информации? (Я тоже это сейчас вижу). Я заметил кое-что еще: размер пикселя некорректно считывается из метаданных xml и установлен на «пиксель». Вместо этого его следует читать из xml, как для BdvN5.

@constantinpape , должно быть так?


Does ome.zar (non bdv) have units? I could not find one in examples.

KateMoreva commented 3 years ago

@constantinpape, please check, bdv.ome.zarr should have size according to it's in xml.

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

@constantinpape , sholud it be like that?

Yes, this looks good.

Does ome.zar (non bdv) have units? I could not find one in examples.

No,ome.zarr does not have units yet; support for this is still work in progress. (This is one of the reasons we are currently supporting the bdv.ome.zarr version.)

constantinpape commented 3 years ago

This is all fixed now.