mobie / mobie-viewer-fiji

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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mobie goes conda #949

Open tischi opened 1 year ago

tischi commented 1 year ago


Check this out:

conda create -n mobie -c conda-forge mobie

(mobie) tischer@mac-almf13 Documents $ mobie
INFO 2023-01-30 13:15:58,303: First time start-up may be slow. Downloaded dependencies will be cached for shorter start-up times in subsequent executions.
Usage: mobie [-hV] [-p=<project>] [-i=<images>]... [-s=<segmentations>]...
Visualise multi-modal big image data, see
  -h, --help                Show this help message and exit.
  -i, --image=<images>      intensity image, e.g. -i "/home/image.tif"
  -p, --project=<project>   project, e.g. -p "https://github.
  -s, --segmentation=<segmentations>
                            segmentation label mask image, e.g. -s
  -t, --table=<tables>      segments feature table, e.g. -t "/home/features.csv"
  -V, --version             Print version information and exit.

BIG THANKS TO @k-dominik ❤️

constantinpape commented 1 year ago

Very nice!

tischi commented 1 year ago

it should also works with wild-cards:

mobie -i "*-im.tif" -s "*-seg.tif" -t "*.csv"

...given that the names sort correctly, i.e. have the same prefix if they belong together.

martinschorb commented 1 year ago

what about a -v to open a specific view (only in combination with p)

constantinpape commented 1 year ago

I have added a page on this in the documentation: