mobify / commercecloud-ocapi-client

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Open Commerce API (OCAPI) for Node and browsers 🛒
MIT License
70 stars 31 forks source link

Add/Update Models #15

Closed bendvc closed 5 years ago

bendvc commented 5 years ago

A partner has run into an issue where the variation attribute values doesn't have the 'image' nor 'image_swatch' properties. This PR adds the parsing of these values. As well as a few other properties.

Type of change


How to test this PR?

You can test this PR by following the below steps:

  1. Clone and npm ci the mobify-platform-sdks project
  2. Clone this repo (particularly this branch)
  3. Link these projects by first installing and building the commercecloud-ocapi-client then running npm link
  4. In the packages/commerce-integrations folder of the sdks project run npm link ../../../commercecloud-ocapi-client
  5. Once these are linked you can run the explore project packages/explorer and previewing here
  6. Search for some products and you should now see the correct content in the models.
