Closed trainerbill closed 6 years ago
@kevinxh changes are made. there are errors on the UMD build that you all will need to look into. I am not a rollup guy.
src/index.js → dist/commercecloud-ocapi-client.umd.js... (!) Missing shims for Node.js built-ins Creating a browser bundle that depends on 'querystring'. You might need to include (!) Missing global variable names Use options.globals to specify browser global variable names corresponding to external modules superagent (guessing 'superagent') querystring (guessing 'querystring')
Keeps es6 export for webpack and rollup by exporting to lib/es6 and adding module: lib/es6 to package.json.
Adds commonjs compiling to lib/cjs and adds package.json main: lib/cjs for nodejs.