mobify / pinny

A mobile-first content fly-in UI plugin
MIT License
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Pinny blocks tapping for tap targets when open. Requires multiple taps. #28

Closed scalvert closed 9 years ago

scalvert commented 10 years ago

When opening pinny that contains a bellows, the bellows headers require multiple taps to open. In some cases, once open they cannot be closed.

kpeatt commented 10 years ago

@scalvert Is this only happening in modal center or in all pinnies?

kpeatt commented 10 years ago

This may be fixed by the updated plugin factory.

kpeatt commented 10 years ago

I'm going to make a test example for this so we can put this to rest.

kpeatt commented 10 years ago

Can't reproduce.

fractaltheory commented 9 years ago

@kpeatt I can reproduce this issue 100% with fastclick attached to elements within the Pinny/Bellows.

fractaltheory commented 9 years ago

Ted was mentioning that it was probably bouncefix related, and when bouncefix is disabled the issue no longer occurs. Some interaction between Fastclick and Bouncefix is causing this.

wizardlyhel commented 9 years ago

@fractaltheory @kpeatt

It is indeed because of fastclick and bouncefix.

Bouncefix shifts the scroll-able container by 1 px. During the shift, it cancels out the click initiated by fastclick. Normally, the mobile browser only triggers the click after 300ms. Which is why when Bouncefix or Fastclick is used independently, you don't see the issue.

scalvert commented 9 years ago

Let's just fork bouncefix and apply the fix there!