mobify / stencil

DEPRECIATED - The latest Stencil development is currently taking place in the Adaptive.js repo.
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Spinner component #114

Closed avelinet closed 9 years ago

avelinet commented 9 years ago

Status: Ready to Merge

Reviewers: @jeffkamo @cole-sanderson @mlworks @nastiatikk @kpeatt @ry5n JIRA: CSOPS-1106

ry5n commented 9 years ago

Some thoughts:

Looking good though. Awesome to see tests and everything in place!

avelinet commented 9 years ago

@ry5n The performance seems fine on device. So long as you don't set opacity 0 and have it going in perpetuity ;)

Yes the animation is simpler by using elements, however I like how clean the html is with the 1 element. I've tried both approaches, and I prefer working with the 1 element approach in the project itself.

A different naming convention for private vars sounds good, did you have something in mind?

ry5n commented 9 years ago

@avelinet Rationale seems solid on performance and markup. Nice that it wouldn’t need a template in builds. +1.

I have some very tentative thoughts about private vars. Would be ideal if they did not pollute the global variable space as they normally do when defined at the root level. AFAIK the only way to get that is to wrap the styles (but not the public variables) in basically a null block, like @if true { /* private vars */ /* styles */ }. Seems gross, but maybe if it’s declared with some kind of mixin that made sense to everyone, it could work.

I’m not sure about any of that, but if it worked out, we shouldn’t need a new naming convention at, which would be a plus.

jeffkamo commented 9 years ago

Couldn't we solve the private variable issue by declaring the variables inside the component blocks?


.c-component {
    $component__size: 16px;

    font-size: $component__size;

.c-elsewhere {
    font-size: $component__size;

Working example here, notice that the variable is undefined in the c-elsewhere block.

jeffkamo commented 9 years ago

The only downside is that the variables would be declared across the stylesheet. Doesn't sound so bad...

ry5n commented 9 years ago

Only if we nest everything inside .c-component, which would mean generating selectors like .c-component .c-component__child. Not something we should do IMO.

kpeatt commented 9 years ago

@alyseadlard just shared this with me: – maybe we can crib some stuff from it?

avelinet commented 9 years ago

@kpeatt see

kpeatt commented 9 years ago

Ah, thanks @avelinet!

ry5n commented 9 years ago

Sorry to leave this for so long. It’s solid. Just a couple of things, picking up from where we left off:

+1, let’s get this in!

avelinet commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @ry5n, I've made the updates.

jeffkamo commented 9 years ago

+1, awesome work @avelinet!