mobile-shell / mosh

Mobile Shell
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Did not find mosh server startup message #1169

Closed rdp closed 1 year ago

rdp commented 2 years ago

Hello. CentOS 7 server, OS X client:

% mosh --server=/usr/bin/mosh-server xxx@yyy xxx@'s password: /usr/local/bin/mosh: Did not find mosh server startup message. (Have you installed mosh on your server?)

/usr/bin/mosh-server exists on the server and starts up fine if run manually. All manner of other locale tweaks don't seem to do much.


andersk commented 2 years ago

Can you try this command (from the Debugging and Theory wiki page), replacing xxx@yyy as appropriate?

ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='mosh --fake-proxy -- %h %p' -n -tt xxx@yyy -- '/usr/bin/mosh-server new'
rdp commented 2 years ago
% ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='mosh --fake-proxy -- %h %p' -n -tt xxx@yyy-- '/usr/bin/mosh-server new'

xxx@yyy's password: 
ssh(22221,0x1102c9e00) malloc: *** error for object 0x7f8c4d5090e0: pointer being freed was not allocated
ssh(22221,0x1102c9e00) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
zsh: abort      ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='mosh --fake-proxy -- %h %p' -n -tt  -- 

One weirdness: this is ssh compiled with kerberos key support.

 % cat ~/.ssh/config
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes

Which means that I can login without a password (and that is works fine for normal ssh). However mosh seems to still require a password for some reason.

If I comment out ex: the GSSAPITrustDNS line in ~/.ssh/config it now works fine. But still requires a password but still works.

Maybe the failure instructions should point to that wiki page...


andersk commented 2 years ago

Sounds like your problem is not with Mosh. To confirm, you can try removing Mosh from the equation completely:

ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='nc %h %p' -n -tt xxx@yyy -- 'echo hello'
rdp commented 2 years ago

Yep same failure:

% ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='nc %h %p' -n -tt  yyy -- 'echo hello'

xxx@yyy password: 
ssh(76232,0x108eeee00) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fea2e4089c0: pointer being freed was not allocated
ssh(76232,0x108eeee00) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
zsh: abort      ssh -S none -o ProxyCommand='nc %h %p' -n -tt -- 

In general the error message /usr/local/bin/mosh: Did not find mosh server startup message. (Have you installed mosh on your server?) was not super helpful, as I did have the mosh server installed remotely, and it was also mentioning a path that was not the one I had specified...

Suggestion/feature request: add the wiki page url to the error message? Maybe something like "Failure in attempting to start remote mosh server [Did not find mosh server startup message] Is mosh server installed remotely? Please see XXX". Anyway thank you for the help, I have a work around for now, mosh is working well.