I am trying to use the MQTTKit framework in my Swift project. I was able to connect to my server and subscribe to a topic using the: "connectToHost:(NSString)host completionHandler:" and "subscribe(NSString )topic withCompletionHandler:" methods respectively; however, I was not able to
set a message handler as explained in the github doc here: https://github.com/jmesnil/MQTTKit#subscribe-to-a-topic-and-receive-messages.
Basically I don't see the "setMessageHandler:" method in the library.
Hi, I am trying to use the MQTTKit framework in my Swift project. I was able to connect to my server and subscribe to a topic using the: "connectToHost:(NSString)host completionHandler:" and "subscribe(NSString )topic withCompletionHandler:" methods respectively; however, I was not able to set a message handler as explained in the github doc here: https://github.com/jmesnil/MQTTKit#subscribe-to-a-topic-and-receive-messages.
Basically I don't see the "setMessageHandler:" method in the library.
Thanks, Teddy